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Chapter 2 Adventurous Trios

Word Count: 831    |    Released on: 30/07/2021



y daily routine. Somehow today was different maybe it because am a senior now or cos t

n I was just 8yrs old leaving me and mom with a cute little brother named “Henry”. I loved my portable

ixteen alongside my two be

had a secret little crush on Calvin; I mean who wouldn’t aside the part he was my best friend, and his so cool ïżœ

gh, same department, and same co

for school đŸ«. Jacking my backpacks and jogging out of my

m” I g

ded quickly an

mething before going” m

gs aunt Becca send me last summer “ I

in our local dialect with a bewildered look spread acros

I said lastly and

Bes” I

replied with eyes fo

with this early mo

y cos I expect u to go back

elping Mr Daniels review our homework’s

idn’t get caught tell me about it”

utes lat

still eating when we got there tho we pull him

we reach our school gate. Heaven knows this driver is heading to church to thank God for we finally reach our destination 😂 am not gonna start on the loo

e beautiful “Golden High School Gate” wi

” Calvin

me & Vic said

e’re finally a senior P.S no more

e to do that day is clean our classroom cos it the clea

onth” I added with an a

us” Vic said peeking at the new half-cast

ll her u like her, and then ask her out , she says no then u com

ng for asse

re done with whatever they call this morning ass

d held in a salute manner while backing off slo

ll him one d

coming?” I asked walking a


skin with a very dark brown eyes, and ambitious. That all you nee



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