img WRONG MAN, RIGHT KISS  /  Chapter 4 FOUR | 11.11%
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Chapter 4 FOUR

Word Count: 593    |    Released on: 25/07/2021

een David been so angry before, in a state of anger h

n his mom, as well as his brother, tried to explain this to him, according to David says and I quote; "fathe

is father to a point that he wal

lice on his son, I quote" if you don't disappear fr

he hasn't said any words to his father when he t

hopes to see any reaction from him, rather he wa


p, thus unfortunately it wasn't

eld him by his hands as they b

nudged her away from him, with a warning, he says " how dare you woman! Don

you think of doing the same thing you did, a long time

all looked and I thought to myself, why was he laughin

ining his mom's attention, "baby don't mind your fath

it relationship with my best friend, Jason hart". Mr fabin says f

te, "you are not my son! no matter how I try to

s, he had no idea who his real father was, Mrs. Elena stood there not doing any

shed out to meet her

nching her hands, "fabian! How dare you?* She veered clo

old your son the truth!" He

". She responded as he veered aw

t you walk

ed him fr

ed her away fixing his squeezed shirt

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