img My Delegate - the Awakening of Submission  /  Chapter 9 Dad | 7.44%
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Chapter 9 Dad

Word Count: 2726    |    Released on: 18/11/2021

adult who could make her own decisions and take the resulting consequences. I knew he was the head of the police and my boss. I also knew that he was probably looking after me and my sa

ay for long periods every day. But today, it was different because I had to make up for the three hours I was unconscious, plus my regular working hours, of course. So, I had been apart from my daug

e said in her cute and sweet way

d answer made her smile. Soon enough, her contagious smile made me laugh with pleasure while

o good, Mommy," she answered with a sparkle in her eyes. "But did you know that Aunt Ingrid

k, saying, "Oh, really? So, how did

ling Ingrid's secret. "S

ected lovingly, an

she laughed, feeling ticklish. Well, she tick

That's just awful! I thought I were your favorite aunt," Ingrid complained, preten

replied, holding her face in her hands, shak

aunts from kindergart

d-aunts. You are

at answer would make the coldest person on Earth emotional.

a bear hug," Ingrid sa

ered one of her favorite cartoons

ngrid's embrace, almost throwing her

ave contact with my sister, she was still Alice's aunt, and nothing would change that. There was also another family member my daughter hadn't met, my mother. I didn't know how either of them was doing since we hadn't spoken for years. My heart was heavy, not knowing what

nd that mess, so I thought it w

s time to kiss Aunt

ing my bag o

to bed now. I'm a big girl, and I can go to bed

y my role as a mother, "Alice!" I

handshake with Ingrid. That was their rit

you, Aun

ing," Ingrid answered, h

beautiful angel. There was no question in my mind that I would give my life for her if necessary. I prayed for her safety every single day and for her happiness. My greatest fear was that the monster would find out about her and would come to take her away fro

for that, I needed to get approval from the justice system, no matter how difficult it could be. My case wasn't a standard suit. Actually, I didn't think something like

succeed in the test, being much harder to pass than the bar exam. But I wouldn't give up. Since I started m

w to form and write words and to read them, too. Isn't it

ins and turned t

r side on the bed

the word you

first word my daught

f because her words felt like a sl

. But I should have been since I knew this moment would come ev

d most. I had tears in my eyes when she continued, "All my fr

l the hurt in life, especially from that one. But I couldn't, and there was no alternative except accepting the fact. Anyway, I wou

and your mom," I answered, trying to les

sad smile before

finger on her lips. "It's past your bedtime.

e answered

off the light and watched her get snug u

in everything going through my head and got all my feelings off my chest. She wa

e. She told me they learned how to form their first written

ew this would happen eventually, and so did you. To te

prepared for that.

so frus

not a very experienced cook and took all measures not to get burned. She was about two fee

mind—that I'm her dad and her mom as wel

er and fulfill your role as a provider and caretaker to perfection. She has everything she needs and wishes. I cannot help but see you as this strong woman you are, a great warrior. But your explanation isn't fair to your daughter. You can't let her believe that. Be honest with her. Y

hold them back. My daughter wouldn't ever have a typical f

right, a

ve endured so much and faced all the difficulties that came your way. We went through so muc

Do you remember our time in college? Everybody thought that we were a couple because

at the memory. Tho

e university every single

fuck themselves. Nobody should have interfered in how we lived. What if we were a couple? We didn't bother anybody. Bes

h at the memories of the past. Ingrid was such a great friend and had a special touch with people. And I admired her for that. First, she would scold me and give me so

d I feel I was a terrible mother. With all the flaws a person might have, I

ad the impression that you were sulk

l that happened on my first day at t

ut your sexual adventures

ways reacted like that when she had an opportunity to talk

What a night! And I can't even desc

ur business relationship? Don't you think it will be strange to meet him after that? I guess you

from behind and how rough he could be at times

d at her

hat 'he who laughs last, laughs best.' I'll be the one laughing

ill never happen, ever. The thought of it makes my stomach turn. He is so arrogant and conceited! I concluded that he's bipolar!

my comment, amused

ts like that. One dislikes the other, thinking the other is unpleasant, rude, or whatever.

well that won't

in a while. Have fun! How long has it been since you had

sn't bother me in the least. I'm happy with my

o to a party tomor

ired and will go to

chen because I knew I'd cave in if I stayed.



Chapter 1 Introduction Chapter 2 Prologue Chapter 3 Light At The End Of The Tunnel Chapter 4 Hope Chapter 5 Hired Chapter 6 My Home Chapter 7 Second Intentions Chapter 8 Cheeky Chapter 9 Dad Chapter 10 Ingrid And Pedro Chapter 11 Overtime Is Well Paid
Chapter 12 Indiscreet Surprise
Chapter 13 Travel
Chapter 14 Together On The Island
Chapter 15 Dinner
Chapter 16 Meeting
Chapter 17 Let Me Take Care Of You
Chapter 18 Opening Your Heart
Chapter 19 A Special Care
Chapter 20 The Truth
Chapter 21 Luring Me Into Your World
Chapter 22 A Night Of Pleasure
Chapter 23 Cross Of Saint Andrew
Chapter 24 Evidence
Chapter 25 Relapse
Chapter 26 Back To The Martinez Building
Chapter 27 Inevitable Desire
Chapter 28 A Couple
Chapter 29 Dinner With The Martinez Family
Chapter 30 A Kiss Before You Go
Chapter 31 Closer To Revenge
Chapter 32 Doing It Right
Chapter 33 Avenging The Past
Chapter 34 Passionate Reunion
Chapter 35 Surrender To Pleasure
Chapter 36 A Special Request
Chapter 37 Getting To Know Alice
Chapter 38 I Kept My Love For You
Chapter 39 Family
Chapter 40 Tough Times
Chapter 41 No-ending Nightmare
Chapter 42 Before The Worst
Chapter 43 A Mother Will Do Anything
Chapter 44 Serious Condition
Chapter 45 We Are Here For You
Chapter 46 Waking Up From The Nightmare
Chapter 47 If I Let You Sleep
Chapter 48 Confessions From The Past
Chapter 49 The Woman Of My Life
Chapter 50 The Wedding
Chapter 51 Honeymoon
Chapter 52 A Family Day
Chapter 53 Crazy for you
Chapter 54 A Romantic Surprise
Chapter 55 New Home
Chapter 56 Setting The Record Straight
Chapter 57 A Long Day
Chapter 58 Pleasures Before Dinner
Chapter 59 Where Are You Going
Chapter 60 In The Submission Chamber
Chapter 61 Breakfast In Bed And Bad News
Chapter 62 Facing The Truth
Chapter 63 Family Day
Chapter 64 Punishment
Chapter 65 Dinner Madness
Chapter 66 Life Is No Fairy Tale
Chapter 67 The Perfect Crime
Chapter 68 Hostage To Fear
Chapter 69 Family
Chapter 70 At The Police Station
Chapter 71 First Night
Chapter 72 The Sex Machine
Chapter 73 Surprises
Chapter 74 Last Night At The BDSM Hotel In Style
Chapter 75 Blood Ties
Chapter 76 Discovering The Truth
Chapter 77 A Promise
Chapter 78 Not Enough
Chapter 79 Let Me Explain
Chapter 80 The Search for Answers
Chapter 81 A feeling called Longing
Chapter 82 wrong choice
Chapter 83 The exposed truth
Chapter 84 As strong as a machine
Chapter 85 In the family again
Chapter 86 Double Pleasure
Chapter 87 Alice's Party
Chapter 88 The Marriage
Chapter 89 A new love on the way
Chapter 90 The End of a Beautiful Love Story
Chapter 91 Epilogue
Chapter 92 Acknowledgments and my works
Chapter 93 SPIN OFF: Alice Martinez - part. 1
Chapter 94 SPIN OFF: Alice Martinez - part 2
Chapter 95 SPIN OFF: Alice Martinez part 3
Chapter 96 SPIN OFF: Alice Martinez part 4
Chapter 97 SPIN OFF: Alice Martinez part 5
Chapter 98 SPIN OFF: Alice Martinez - part 06
Chapter 99 SPIN OFF: Alice Martinez - part 07
Chapter 100 SPIN OFF: Alice Martinez - part 08
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