img Lucifer's little girl  /  Chapter 5 She is Lucifer's pet | 55.56%
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Chapter 5 She is Lucifer's pet

Word Count: 507    |    Released on: 20/07/2021

old servant said with a cold

hy do I have to take off m

ht contempt"that's the order for king

nd then flushed red

of her shirt"am not his p

he said in a tone of impatient"hurry up and

ps so hard that

e human being, going anywhere s

t foolish manager

hoes and she was tak

ere?"she asked glanc

old servant said with a cold

hy do I have to take off m

ht contempt"that's the order for king

nd then flushed red

of her shirt"am not his p

he said in a tone of impatient"hurry up and

ps so hard that

ee human being, going anywhere

t foolish manager

hoes and she was tak

ere?"she asked glanc

a sad expression"that is wher

dn't belie

"she cried out still gl

y quiet like a li

ear is the no

the guard uttered f

a said cleaning up t

left, she went c

?"she asked l

nding, Lucifer walke

led out holdin

pet,get your


om this dangerous yard if y

r pet"she said hitti

y your stay"Damon ut

d out holding he

to leave thi


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