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Author: Daphine
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Chapter 1 Introduction

Word Count: 1361    |    Released on: 16/07/2021

ampagne realise that real

er body from the cold, her moss gree

r here because he wanted to talk bu

is phone multiple times but i

nd again but he wasn't aroun

worried, it had been two

ver made her

ly option left, she strode along

d and palms were

so worried fo

Damn what if all this was just a speck of her

hey have been dating, he

f to erase all the wild thoug

lobby away from the outside

ms together as she slowly

roamed around

f the security guard but

d open, Champagne sighe

the same time as gra

and then dialed Thoma's number for the six

her black curls roughly, wh

at the fifth floor

Thoma's apartment and hal

dn't know whether to call out to him or to just op

ose the seco

jacket pocket and pul

e her calls, maybe he was hurt or s

. He was just a simple nerd yet a handsom

, she slid them in to the key ho

her keys back and

he door wide open

eyes scanned the room. Nothing seemed to ha

ving a shower.. may be she could surp

ward, her eyes laid on


orward as her wh

d around the yellow thong

hing for sure, Thoma

thless sounds coming

what was going on but her mind an

r hands landing on the floo

hat she was thinking was

shiver rushed down her spine

of the open room and her eyes

e hope left in her shutt

her presence yet but their po

running through her veins. Her fingers sho

s as the lump in her

ying made the two p

to stop the tears that were r

to a halt. He slowly got off the girl below him finally

him paled as she whispe

ression hardened as she glared at her

or these two m

e turned around walking b

she gnashed her teeth when her eye

.. Baby I c

er fingers shook hard as she rea

her and Thomas on

at the photo with

er in full swing, her nostrils flared

they do t

r lip cu

ned around towards them.. With a scre

widened, he stepped out of the way

the shattering of its glass mad

illy spoke up softly as if trying to

nitted together and

he hell are they

he best sex be

was boil

quick around the room and caug

t he can fuck another woman without t

ook it in her arms and stared at it for

ting so that she could feed Lill

arely slept just taking care of him and he

e turned her whole body to these

d to the side

pinned on

e loved, his chocolate eyes star

y and his boxers hu

her little sister, she stood hidi

shirt, with her wavy ha

why but at this moment no words

nted a fake sm

her hands and land on the floo

o the two one more time the

hed, numbness i

ed her body wildly and she ran to the

s gave way and she fell to her



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