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Try Harder

Try Harder

Author: Hiraya Cross
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Chapter 1 First meeting

Word Count: 1042    |    Released on: 14/07/2021

r-in-law has returned and asked to meet everyone in the family. She’d been gone for quite a long time; her f

n, even if she’s technically an in-law. More and more people came to t

ven being discreet about it. She openly stared at him.

her relationships. She knew he’s older than her. By how much? She can’t be sure yet. She’s guessing it could be more than five years. Wait, that’s not right. Alexander is six or seven years older than her sister and he l

loner. She’d seen Charles Cross approach him and they seemed to converse for a few minutes. She couldn’t hear what they spoke about, though. It’s as i

n, her brothers, were crying. She would’ve found it funny except she knew how

he conversation, she could surmise that someone died. Or was killed, actually. Lee said they managed to capture the culpri

ell, it isn’t the first time she fell in love at first sight. She’s smitten

people around them, it’s not appropriate to tease her, so she’ll wait until they’

r. Lee’s brother-in-law. Her lip twitched. In-law of her in-laws. But they aren’t exa

ame on the search bar. Alice who was next to her inched closer. She also has h

s. He’s involved in the sale and distributio

That makes him what? Twelve years

n married

we hear just earlier that his wife was kill

is that he’s got two children at home. They’re almost

ut his current civil statu

or marrying someone else. Heck, they can’t ev

n just ask Alex if

’t seem close.” Alena noted. Well, she

ose, but he could still kno

t a message to Al

rently married? Or is

y thought that it was Alic

ssuade her, though, so

what you meant. Single, sure

rents don’t know what they’re on about. They’re busy with th

he would demand to see the guy and interview him with the rest of the family. It’s mortifying. Alex went through it and he managed to get the

er relented but Alex didn’t give it to her. She tried a few more times, but the

he would have to find a way to get his number on her own. And w

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