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She Prince

She Prince

Author: Attention7
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Chapter 1 One

Word Count: 1509    |    Released on: 05/07/2021

over her dress material above her knees, biting her lower lip she lets the tears flow down her

es her gaze upwards to see her father the great lor

s bothering him is not the death of his son,he is worried abo

must for all the son of the kingdom to study there to be the next leader of the general and th

ks towards his right to see his wife

es filled up with tears which

hool of scholars," he orde

nees she walks towards her husband who

wed,"she says softly trying not to s

to meet his wife's eyes whic

ies falling over her knees while he looks down at

s aloud which made XingXing to flinch

palm she inhales a deep breath and leaves it out. Getting up on her feet she bows

g no

floors, holding her mother in her arms she plasters a smile on her face looking at her father "I

slides open immediately and he bows down

bending low his eyes fi

is not found,"he orders , bending low he covers the face

e place walking out with oth


ing at her brother Wan ke who is

es her arm in front opening her palm in front of his view, her lip

left arm in front and holds hi

nes being curious

m ,she moves her palm to her view immedia

ne with her three fingers smili

st gently and moves it to th

dens in amusement as the colour of

grinning happily looking at the stone"Just like

he steps back, her smile never leaving her face, she raises

Wan ke pulls her to his side ma

ng her gaze away she looks up at her brother with knitted eyebrows she follows his gaze to see

eir swords and the other three men ma

s fast as they could not knowing which direction they are running to as the men were chasing them throwing

e rests her palms over her knees taking deep breaths

g against the huge tree trunk "You run to seek help, I'll distract them,"he say

forward lets go together I'm not a coward," she

hes up to a smile the very next second looking at Xing who is smiling widely at hi

ard which made her to tumble ba

eyes widens in horror to see her brother laying on the ground on his stomach ,an ar

tears while she looks a

h her swollen foot which has knocked hard on a rock. She drags her feet and makes

trying to hold the arrow hard, closings her eyes s

get home and you will be fine,"she stutters cupping

couldn't as his throat went dry and

down at him into his eyes

s out softly and he tries to smile dif

king at him close his ey

more, hugging him tight she screams while she she cries out aloud "You said that you wou

ght against her chest "Please


er two maids are seated behind her. Unpinning her hair t

Wen cries looking at her in symp

w, taking the pair of scissors t

the reflection "I will avenge for him," she removes the top m

er mom cries holding her shoul

maa," she smiles showing t

g y.

rabbing the long piece of thin white cloth she wa

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