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Chapter 5 Aiden meets the Hunt's

Word Count: 2931    |    Released on: 30/07/2021

hown interest in adopting a boy of around 12-15 years of age. She absolutely could not disappoint him. Parents usually preferred young k

eady knew about the rules as they had been taught to all the kids countless times. She even ordered the caretakers

was punished to be locked in the darkroom for the whole night as he was yet again wrongly accused

s or rather does not do, he is the one to blame. Though Aiden was just 10 years old, the various experiences he had in his life had forced him to mature soon. He was quite intelligent and perceptive. Even he could see he was made out as an easy target then why could Madam Cecilia not see it? The kids at the orphanage did all the despicable things as they knew they

, as a result, he had to give away his cookie box and was p

pen the door until Mrs. Cecilia threatened him if he does not keep quiet she will lock him here for a week. After that, though he couldn't stop his tears he managed to make no sound. It was ironic that he was crying due to fear

ming to the Orphanage to adopt a child. How Aiden wished he could be adopted by a loving family someday. He was hoping for the past 2 years without any luck. Most of the time he was stuck in his room whenever the famil

fresh he was hungry but he dared not go out of the room. He had hidden a few

re very excited, especially Liam and Jack. Dylan got down from the car and looked at the kids staring at

was curious to know how the kids lived here. So he told his parents he will go and look ar

red to go. He waited for few minutes hoping someone would see the cat and come and help him but the backyard seemed to be empty. The kids were all playing on the playground on the front side hoping to see the new family which wa

then dashed towards the cat and helped him out. He checked the cat and saw that

he wanted to play with them. Dylan arrogantly refused and left. He felt suffocated because of the loud noise of the kids playing around, so he went towards the backyard. Th

y and asked “ What are

aw a smart looking boy staring at him. He was dressed in expensive clothes and looked quite tall and healthy.

dn’t get a response, so he ask

d stuttered “ T…T…The cat was s…s

him “ What i

he whi

tly. Aiden was shocked and retreats his hand back. Dylan sm

rs old” says Aid

seemed to be intimidated by him and tried to avoid meeting his eyes. This

the backyard, then looks back at Aiden and s

isten to whatever others ordered him to do. Moreover, Aiden had already guessed the rich boy must be one of the guests who came to the orph

the cat in front of him. Dylan ignored the cat and said “ I don't want the cat

of the boy. He then went back to his room

parents were talking to Mrs. Cecilia. He

up excitedly and said “ Look, we have fo

f proud of himself and looked quite confident. Dylan then imagined the weak boy Aid

want this boy as a broth

hen Mrs. Hunt looks at Mrs. Cecilia and sa

Mrs. Cecilia leaves the room with

ow voice to Dylan “ I have checked the records of the boy. He is smart and disciplined and also 15 ye

r us. He is already 15 years old and will be an adult soon. Do you t

n't be able to control him and it can be a problem for my po

and says “ Wha

years old and was submissive and obedient. I am s

will he be able to help you in

out that mom, I

, we can easily scare him and m

to Mrs. Cecilia about t

oing to Aiden to check something”

in. He then sees Aiden sitting in a room near the window. H

e studying?”

p to see the boy staring at him. He jus

turning the pages. He then keeps the book back and asks

about so he was a bit confident. He sa

y years did you live in this orphanage?

one and changed into shame. He looks down shyly and whispers “

rprised and

so was just avoiding looking at the boy thinking he might just leave him alone. Bu

n replies reluctantly

they are in jail. I want to know why

possession of d...d...

ne of those” says Dy

explain himself “ I…I…I was never involve

n't do that as he was instructed not to leave. So he just stares at his book hi

t normal. He was rather twisted. By now he had guessed the main reason for Aiden to be so fearful and submissive was because

t as he was honest even to a stranger like him. Such innocent fools can be easily influenced. The more he thought about it, the more he felt the situation worked to his advantage. To him, Aiden looked like a clay doll who could be mold in a way he wants. He felt an unknow

ng and feels relieved. He soon closes the

ant to reveal that such an undisciplined boy lived in their orphanage as it would show their incapability but on the other hand not telling them seemed even riskier. If they adopt him

e boy is undisciplined and we have even got numerous complaints about him stealing from the other kids. I would suggest you should ado

ted. Mrs. Hunt especially despised poor people with low backgro

We will speak to our son and get back to you.” He knew his

stop them. She gives a forced smile and says

e the office and meet

t happened? Wher

will discuss this late

have known about Aiden but he

We cannot adopt t

s offende

ut Mr. Hunt interrupts " Pleas

ple staring at them. So the



Chapter 1 Introduction Chapter 2 Aiden Grey Chapter 3 Life at the Orphanage Chapter 4 Dylan Hunt Chapter 5 Aiden meets the Hunt's Chapter 6 Aiden gets a new Family
Chapter 7 Reality Check
Chapter 8 Aiden's new school
Chapter 9 Controlling Brother
Chapter 10 Game of fear
Chapter 11 Aiden's new dilemma
Chapter 12 Hoping for a better future
Chapter 13 Dylan's anger
Chapter 14 Repercussions
Chapter 15 Change of Plans
Chapter 16 Changed Destinations
Chapter 17 New Life, New Goals
Chapter 18 Start of a new Journey
Chapter 19 Noah Wright
Chapter 20 Love at first sight
Chapter 21 Crazy things people do for Love - Part1
Chapter 22 Crazy things people do for Love - Part2
Chapter 23 Crazy things people do for Love - Part3
Chapter 24 New Roommate
Chapter 25 The Art of wooing your Love - Part1
Chapter 26 The Art of wooing your Love - Part2
Chapter 27 The Art of wooing your Love - Part3
Chapter 28 The Art of wooing your Love - Part4
Chapter 29 Confessions
Chapter 30 Responses
Chapter 31 Bad Day
Chapter 32 Pure Bliss
Chapter 33 Blast from the Past
Chapter 34 Back to square one
Chapter 35 Start of a Work Life
Chapter 36 Birthday Date
Chapter 37 Confusing Emotions
Chapter 38 Out of Control
Chapter 39 Gaining back Control - Part1
Chapter 40 Gaining back Control - Part2
Chapter 41 Obstacles in Love - Part1
Chapter 42 Obstacles in Love - Part2
Chapter 43 Confrontation - Part1
Chapter 44 Confrontation - Part2
Chapter 45 Confrontation - Part3
Chapter 46 Another Confession
Chapter 47 Control your emotions - Part1
Chapter 48 Control your emotions - Part2
Chapter 49 Control your emotions - Part3
Chapter 50 Fight for your Love - Part1
Chapter 51 Fight for your Love - Part2
Chapter 52 Fight for your Love - Part3
Chapter 53 The Baseball Match - Part1
Chapter 54 The Baseball Match - Part2
Chapter 55 Trapped in Love or Obsession - Part1
Chapter 56 Trapped in Love or Obsession - Part2
Chapter 57 Trapped in Love or Obsession - Part3
Chapter 58 Trapped in Love or Obsession - Part4
Chapter 59 Trapped in Love or Obsession - Part5
Chapter 60 Trapped in Love or Obsession - Part6
Chapter 61 Caught in the act
Chapter 62 A helping hand
Chapter 63 Meeting with the fiance
Chapter 64 Desperate Measures - Part1
Chapter 65 Desperate Measures - Part2
Chapter 66 Desperate Measures - Part3
Chapter 67 Desperate Measures - Part4
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