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Chapter 3 Encounter

Word Count: 1519    |    Released on: 25/06/2021

passion, less judgment. More blessed,



t to a lot of stablishment to apply for any job t

ring stablishment.She had to be hired just in time. three

st a single Mom. Leticia need to take care with Samantha first before a

hard to find a job? She's is indigenous and kind. Ahe can do whatever

ter on the bottled mineral. pull out her paper fan on her bag. It

on the road in front of her. that bill can buy food for two da



y precious eyes just saw

in the sky t

dred bill a scratching sound got her attention. She felt too much shock. th

annoy while holding his waist with two bare hands. He's tall and has a white complexion. you

ecause of too much wrinkle. If you are a painter, I bet you cannot pa

nt to kill

she was look like an

st standing there

erize by his looks? She just can't help it. He's too

her palm in his foreh

t I step the br

hundred bill n

that?" he asked wit

although he's not dire

t the five hundred bill and raise her head and eyebrow. She look at him very ma

to think first to say sorry. You can accide

e. How can this handsome man act so

He look at her from face to t

u will not here in this situ

oad are too wide for you

g to loose with thier fight. This annoying..handsome

in front of her is too m

ause of that small fucking bill? If I hit you how do you think

she heard it right?did H

r during her elementary. She joined a boxing tournament during high school. Leticia just don't want the words he said

ly kick the car wheel. He get i

. Its good that the man have at least ge

ud beep sound of a car strik

tly when she get aw

handsome face but y



to your fac

se on his right eye. He can't

st slipped and bu

r the girl who

hink I bel

y said of Do

nd when did you learned

ile driving but thanks God I

my god Agathon! He need to p

't over react m

er mom mouth wi

still her mom can't believed from wh

you laughing?" Agathon f

amused. I couldn't imagin

a said while

to be a man. I w

be Gabriella or Melchor

warrior against Spain during the

beautiful. I m...mean, s

ng thick lashes and a very seductive lips.The girl also had a short hair that give her a very smart look. the part of her face that catch his attention the most is

sudden reaction because after

do you t

ankly look

t what

alking a lot here and

occupied of some pr

from his mom c

ver Ag

get a new deal. Doña Esmeralda got the information from his father




s please comment your

e treaten like an under against a man but think of it 1000 times. We woman

at word show how strong a woman can be. We all have the right to protect and defend ourselves. Leticia was felt i

y re


or the

mens wor

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