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The Rebel

The Rebel

Author: Suzangill
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Chapter 1 The world order

Word Count: 600    |    Released on: 16/06/2021

her mother's beautiful face that has been

the dark skin as her mothe

t hurt.

a no, tears streaming down he

r laps,she urges the little g

ul sleep when her innocent

It will go away in few d

ing a kiss on

see the sadness in

as li

ma? He is wrong...he is so


finger on Vera's l

is world. What your father says is always right, neve

l clenched her

other's lap,she quest

momma! He hurts

s your father. He has responsibilities as the wer

y momma

es. Holding her small hands in her an

re taught only one thing to liv



wn eyes have lost their innocence seeing her father hurtin

espected her mother as the gre

stripped bear as he hurted her, marking her s

terfered, saying this was

uld no way believe this t

only one? Were all wo

hat was right,she sp

word, preoccupied by her

that majority women suffere

id so much f

is needs, listened to his orders

nd suff

ould still tell her mot

mother, but a broken shell fr

did brea

last breath as her fath

stead, made her question if this was


tear,while Vera l

ries of that 7 year old died the

e for a

his lips as he turned his back

d she won't listen to even one w

ll be

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