img Lonely in Love  /  Chapter 4 A party to remember | 17.39%
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Chapter 4 A party to remember

Word Count: 634    |    Released on: 10/06/2021


y to re


s my pan-fried chicken homemade macaroni and cheese with potatoes. I also made my pizza lasagna and a salad just so that I fixed a variety. I h

all dressed up? Who the hell are y

to look good

at one looks like crap, and you should drop about 50lbs you’re lookin

roni and cheese, mashed potatoes, veggies,

nking? You can't do anything right can you? Good thing I set up a reservation

ked all day I'm sure e

e is no way you cleaned it, and I tasted your food it is nothing

is can wait since you won't

telling me you

you wanted me to go with

th such an ugly fat cow. Where the hel

the night since I thought w

ou ask me before you t

hink you would want them h

ck, I don't even want to see you at all again tonight. Don't wait up I have a friend to keep company tonight, but I will ch

Are you che

, he doubled his fist and punched me square in the face, and I flew back into the wall. My

can't keep your mouth shut. Go clean yourself up. And as for cheatin

of my shattered life once more. I felt defeated. I thought I looked good for him. I

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