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Chapter 5 The CEO'S bed WARMER

Word Count: 527    |    Released on: 27/06/2021


and opened the door for them, filled with excitement

hat ", I have be

s they embraced me fi

itabl, as your good friends , we need to get you


kly went and brought a mini fl

d in d

ss to wear on your first day at work ,

she looked at them filling pissee off already and she

ood up and stormed

y , they brought out a straight green suit skirt that falls slightly above her knees revealing a

rack and brought out a blue h

a exclaimed with a win

he floor and on her bed and looked at her friends in to

ly as she climbed unto the bed followed by Betty as th



y grabbed the alarm clock from the table and switched it off,

nt for the interview , so I quickly ran like usa

selected for me, I packed my long black hair into a ponyta

up because I was naturally g

my first day at work , I

kly halted his taxi , I quickly ran into the elevator and pressed i

e , on reaching there, I took a de



Chapter 1 The CEO'S BED WARMER Chapter 2 THE CEO'S BED WARMER Chapter 3 The CEO'S bed WARMER Chapter 4 The CEO'S bed WARMER Chapter 5 The CEO'S bed WARMER Chapter 6 The CEO'S bed WARMER Chapter 7 The CEO'S bed WARMER Chapter 8 The CEO'S bed WARMER Chapter 9 The CEO'S bed WARMER Chapter 10 The CEO'S bed WARMER
Chapter 11 The CEO'S bed WARMER
Chapter 12 The CEO'S bed WARMER
Chapter 13 The CEO'S bed WARMER
Chapter 14 The CEO'S bed WARMER
Chapter 15 The CEO'S bed WARMER
Chapter 16 The CEO'S bed WARMER
Chapter 17 The CEO'S bed WARMER
Chapter 18 The CEO'S bed WARMER
Chapter 19 The CEO'S bed WARMER
Chapter 20 The CEO'S bed WARMER
Chapter 21 The CEO'S bed WARMER
Chapter 22 The CEO'S bed WARMER
Chapter 23 The CEO'S bed WARMER
Chapter 24 The CEO'S bed WARMER
Chapter 25 The CEO'S bed WARMER
Chapter 26 The CEO'S bed WARMER
Chapter 27 The CEO'S bed WARMER
Chapter 28 The CEO'S bed WARMER
Chapter 29 The CEO'S bed WARMER
Chapter 30 The CEO'S bed WARMER
Chapter 31 The CEO'S bed WARMER
Chapter 32 The CEO'S bed WARMER
Chapter 33 The CEO'S bed WARMER
Chapter 34 The CEO'S bed WARMER
Chapter 35 The CEO'S bed WARMER
Chapter 36 The CEO'S bed WARMER
Chapter 37 The CEO'S bed WARMER
Chapter 38 The CEO'S bed WARMER
Chapter 39 The CEO'S bed WARMER
Chapter 40 The CEO'S bed WARMER
Chapter 41 The CEO'S bed WARMER
Chapter 42 The CEO'S bed WARMER
Chapter 43 The CEO'S bed WARMER
Chapter 44 The CEO'S bed WARMER
Chapter 45 The CEO'S bed WARMER
Chapter 46 The CEO'S bed WARMER
Chapter 47 The CEO'S bed WARMER
Chapter 48 The CEO'S bed WARMER
Chapter 49 The CEO'S bed WARMER
Chapter 50 The CEO'S bed WARMER
Chapter 51 The CEO'S bed WARMER
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