img Supernova  /  Chapter 4 What is her power | 14.29%
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Chapter 4 What is her power

Word Count: 2119    |    Released on: 09/06/2021


the bell or not. It's been long he left this town, 16 years . He chu

ought he will come back here maybe he did but if not for th

s rich and exotic, one can easily know that the owner is wealthy. A

with our Master ?” He recog

ointment to see my

is, because it is only one person that c

a man.” He said flexing his muscles knowing fo

g on a security uniform came out, he came out looking

everyone here even your father.” The ol

d telephone, he could call but he didn’t

“Let's just drop the topic here, I really want to se

ur father's house, enter.” The old

ank you, so I wi

o catch up after all this y

the environment brought back all the childhood mem

e him , she walked faster to the house to

one can easily burn fat walking that distance. He entere

maid who sighted already informed

he can not deny the fact that he miss being called

s can be deceiving. He was putting on a long robe which matched his grey hair then he w

ome in.” He said res

eetings to you master.” she bowed her head, she dare

an I do

you about the arriv

he was happy that one of

the flowers. Her madam do take delight in taking care of the gardens and always dressed for the situa

to you ma'am

what do you

ma'am, I came to inform you

ch of



She answered

d the gardening tools and went

V ( Alyss

both happy and sad. “ I heard one

ther the man of the house. He was walking do

ushed the old man but he quickly prevent his fall how I

u so much.” She rained kisses al

y here?” My father ask

d, I dare not. Within a second I would

to you father.” I bowed, plac

he outside world and forgotten o

ing my daughter, when he want all of his children to focus on studying this town culture, this m

why are y

Oh please don't act like

g.” He retorted

st did you slee

t coming f

cry yourself to sleep, you and I know that you miss him,” She gri

e happy. “ Anyways, I am not here to sta

asked smiling with excit

not inform us about her arrival.” Mum

just did.”

follow me.” She said pointing at the two maids cleaning

is she?” F

t her o

He said and walk away and I followed him, I have never seen him so

god they settled before leaving themselves. Father c

d I disturb you

e screamed as she

are coming today, I could have

She said with

s how ar

ne.” She

wife said using her right han

dpa raise his hand

ys greet here ?” My daug

er our culture, Tonia.” He said her name

do anything she won't like. If not for the fac

law, never thought she will ever come to

t you

obody intervened before the matter got worse, another battle

r to come here. Also I am eager to enter inside, its been

I ?” He said gesturing towar

need, it is ki

things.” He said showing off his muscles then took

es already watery “Hey is going to be okay, sh

hief she brought out from her bag. “Ye

will, I

g father and

ou mother.” My w

smiled at her, unlike m

l be taking o

u wait a l

and I am running a project


hugged her, she hugge

ething.” I heard my father said wh

aid urging hi

eeling hot, there is heat here.” He

are in t

well what I want to say us that

she will know. I have never seen her exhibiting

g at me like that ?”

mother, what i

are not her father right? are


I don't

n't know her power. I am very sure she does n

esn't.” My wif

s head making him stop talking. “ Is that w

usly rubbing the

a bad father and forcing you to do things you don't like,

g nervous coming here

gainst you father, so you a

happily and hugged me but quickly

take our le

and T

remarks about you, the truth is that I respect and like

y accepted, please do ta

I will and have

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