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Reading History

Chapter 3 No.3

Word Count: 1006    |    Released on: 31/05/2021


and went to sit at the far end of the class b

ought out a notebook. The teacher came in and taught. I had two

ortunately for me, I caught a cold. Then I remembered that I have to prepare for Alpha Xander's younger sister, Nicole, homecoming party. I jerked up disregardin

I helped the decorators, I washed an

ic was booming everywhere, well you could

he came down with her other four friends giving them a total of

put all his efforts into involving the pack

vagant." They excla

hind a tree, if I said I did not want to see what Nico

e had her nails fixed and she was wearing a sho


is unlike u

t to take their lug


sent her to England when I told her to come back, she refused. My

er is back. She told me not to bother to come to pick her at the ai

with her other friends which I assume are humans. As I was staring

ee and narrowed my eyes at the

ay from my sister like

here?" I c

, Alpha.

omega to the dungeon., I

clear off my m

a Grace Williams. I am 24 years of age and I have not found my mate because I have been unable to travel long distan

here," Mi

king a shirt and l

," I said in a

gs to you." She said k

here, no need for the formalities,"

immediately knowing fully w

you are here, I mean your of


said as I

." She

es… No…Yes.

an answer

e survived 10 years of severe beating. She used to be my best friend when we were younger but a

s it?"

d your orders." She

er?" I said no lo

o your younger sister, I should

ishment?" I said while p

s!" I said and turned to

," I said and left. I got mind-link


ding away from the pain and anger of my parents' death. My brother sent me

my mate." I thought

s." My wolf,

on, they accepted me like that. We went inside to meet several people drinking, chatting,

Stacy yelled due

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