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Chapter 2 Asher

Word Count: 1284    |    Released on: 26/05/2021

ed here in hamshire England. “ listen to me son you are the alpha king of this pack, I passed my title down to you because I know you’d take it serious. You are eighte

hreatened their only son and wanted to throw him out of the house so she called me instead.” Poor kid. It must be hard for him to go through something like that. I may be known as the heartless alpha king which isn’t all that true because I still have a soft heart when it comes to family. “ ok he can stay here if he wants, are you sure we can thrust him?” I asked and she nodded her head. “ yeah I’m sure, he’s also here with his best friend so they’ll be staying on the second floor beside each other.” I nodded my head and told her to go ahead and get them settled in. I still had a lot of things to do so I didn’t want any more distraction right now. After they left, I went back to work. It’s been two hours since I’ve buried my head in paper works and right now I felt dizzy. My wolf hunter was on edge and I wondered what was wrong with him. ‘ maybe I need to go for a run, would that get you settled down?’ I asked him through mind link but he didn’t reply so I let it go. Couple minutes later, my best friend lucas entered with a frown on his face. “ are you alright?” I asked and he shrugged his shoulders and started pacing. “ I can’t seem to contact my wolf, he somehow disappeared over two hours ago and now I’m freaking out.” The same thing was happening to me but it’s something I couldn’t explain. “ the thing is I can feel him and I know he’s there but when I asked him about going for a run or any other questions, he’s not replying.” I tried to contact hunter once again but it’s still not working. “ maybe they went into Hibernation?” I asked and he chuckled and shook his head. “ that won’t happen any time soon, I have no idea what’s going on but apparently it’s only happening to us because I asked everyone else and they told me that their wolves were still present.” I sighed and stood up then made my way towards him. “ let’s go for a walk, maybe that can wake them up or something.” He nodded his head and followed me

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