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The President last day

The President last day

Author: Ludovic
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Chapter 1 One

Word Count: 1309    |    Released on: 20/05/2021

, she s

re. She rummaged the room like an asthmatic searching for an inhaler. Her neighbours heard her uproar and became inquisitive. Some who overheard the glimpse of the uproar peeped through their windows. Nevertheless, who cares, none of them bothered to make findings, a spirit which Afr

came from an average family. She and her late sister, Mrs Jean were two of best blood and were the only children of their parents. Forthwith her demise, Aviva only option was to go and live with her Aunt, Mrs. Johnson. She was a Journalist at CNN and also engaged in business especially estate properties. She was a calm woman, but could lose her calm over frustrating issues. She was a good mother and a role model to her children. She gave them the best in life. She lost her husband to the deadly virus, Covid-19 due to his aversion to heed the nation doctor's information concerning the deadly virus but kept following the former president's contention against face mask and how deadly the virus was

. She couldn't take it if anything occurs to Aviva because she was the only successor of her parents. The spirit of Aviva's mother wouldn't forgive her if anything came about to her, she continue to mumble in her psyche. She went to the parlour to drop something. She went o

here are you?", M

so I can come

e lowest lift", Mr

lly if there was an investigation he could help her with. They were both working on the recent case of the massacre that was said to have taken place in Nigeria. After their discussion, she made ready a car that would come to take her to the Michigan airport. She boarded the pl

l is she?", Mr

ood hospital", ret

ought she would be at her University hospital. She thanked her creator to have made the call if not the journey would have been doubled. She waited for th

he airport", said

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too high to go through the stress she had been experiencing. She was saved by the traffic if not a car would have knocked her down. She didn't observe the car that was coming by her left before she stepped on the zebra lane. She almost went down when she heard the horn, because her psyche was already off. She entered the taxi. She took a long look at her phone like an albino who lost her route in the afternoon. She

't be available at w

, the recei

g her first year in school and it remained a week to her examination before the unfortunate incident occurred. She swore to expose the perpetrators.

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