img Billionaire's wife  /  Chapter 4 Office | 9.52%
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Chapter 4 Office

Word Count: 1057    |    Released on: 13/06/2021

t's your cabin, and wish me best of luck miss isha and go


ind say come on nishi you are famous bu

am workholick person, so I reached , now I happily inside in my cabin h

Here they are come to o

arrange the m

nd smile at me I smile


waiting for him,

up , hello Ni

not your friend here you are come here for d

matter I am saying this because you are

nt sp

gupta ha

hour later

n his cabin, h

k up go to miss.Dave's cabin and say her t

to her cab

calling you to come with


r I insulting him i little nervous to face him soon i forget this tho

our finger brushed I feel like this touch I feel same when he touch me i blushed li

yes is so deep like ocean I found something similarities between him and him both are having same name even my heart speak up isn't they are one my mind say he is your Nishant but I thought ho

tand up and go without hearing his response my mind say are you mad wait for him to say but I do


e completed all her work, it's evening time , sky is looking yellow,

. This thought which my mind think my heart's say maybe he remember again my mind say first go and ask him clear your doubts but h

mous business man how can he

me how can he forget me he can't I am his best friend everytime he chant my name and now how can he forget me. again I wipe my tears and went to my table collect my things and and straight my way to out o


I completed my work I am not so happy to go home bcoz i am not liking my brother and my dad our relationship is not good but I can't spend my night in office bcoz I don't need rest b


t after few minutes, I lied on my bad scrolling fb, as it's daily routine of mine and later I found it's boring and go to wardrobe and staring his picture so

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