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Chapter 2 Engaged to the monster

Word Count: 1228    |    Released on: 19/05/2021

fro in the room, fe

her father had lock

but a room that look

r baggy dress swaying l

trouble. Yes, sh

he have to ride through the market of all places and at that

itely, he must've gotten to know she drugged t

ly a mess! What i

ng and stopped walking, guessing

ened and unexpectedly, it was Reb


ha chuckled as they bo

uards let them in, huh?

king like a clown" Rebecca said in a whi

irls bursted

ster. I mean... which princess in

est you go feed the dogs before I turn you into one mys

a scoffed. "You're such a disgrace to the

how able tout behaves?

when the door opened again and

the throne room" he said with his head

n't deserve the title" Rebecca said sarcastically a

them, trying so hard t

r and give each of them a desirable beating. But she's made the King

eath and followed the


er mother, the King, and two men and on

. Those people were definitely there to lay complaints on her and knowi

the throne and took a

rned to the King and said

wearing a bitte

turned to the f


disheartening and I just need to say it out. Right now, my son is lying on the b

got heated immed

t her and looked


ough, she didn't, but she threatened to return at night and do it and I just w

lowly. Definitely, these

aid to the last compl

verything got mixed-up with the sand and became ruined! I know I shouldn't be bothering you, My King, but I had to se

the whole time, not want

She was

ime before The

d and two guards c

esty" the

ary and tell him I want some compe

our maj

uch, your Majesty!

u live

ted happily and le

aylan jibed angri

oke into her thoughts, sendin

! And here

voc like a pest?! You've made commoners have every reason to visit my palace at any

hat I have a daughter who behaves like an tout! How could you

at's the reason I chased him and beat him up. And as for the other man, it was just an empty t

!" He roared and her mouth

er seen her father

goods you ruined?" He asked

about the guards you drugged! Are yo

silence st

to me is nothing but shame and disgrace. Not even a single prince has ever written to you, or make any form of advancement towards you. And with this

ilence st

e cold. "I'm sick and tired of having you here in my Palace. And I'

aylan. You're leaving this pa

s eyes


person but Master Xa



Chapter 1 Princess Kaylan Chapter 2 Engaged to the monster Chapter 3 Cruel Lord Xander Chapter 4 Face to face with Lord Xander Chapter 5 Someone in the room Chapter 6 Xander's sex mistress
Chapter 7 Xander and his bride
Chapter 8 Married
Chapter 9 Her unruly lifestyle
Chapter 10 Out for gambling
Chapter 11 Too ruthless
Chapter 12 A warning from the Master
Chapter 13 The missing bracelet
Chapter 14 The unforeseen set up
Chapter 15 Kaylan in trouble
Chapter 16 Her punishment
Chapter 17 Whipped in front of the Master
Chapter 18 Stubborn wife
Chapter 19 Lord Xander
Chapter 20 A letter from the council
Chapter 21 Xander, Asim and kaylan
Chapter 22 A first time
Chapter 23 Marital intimacy
Chapter 24 A plot
Chapter 25 Princess Nivea
Chapter 26 The poisoned drink
Chapter 27 Poisoned
Chapter 28 An accusation
Chapter 29 Xander 's wrath
Chapter 30 Prince Berlin
Chapter 31 Xander and his sex mate
Chapter 32 Something wrong
Chapter 33 Lord Xander's threat
Chapter 34 Impatient Kaylan
Chapter 35 Melted for the first time
Chapter 36 A change of heart
Chapter 37 Wrong thoughts
Chapter 38 Giving flowers to him
Chapter 39 Prince Berlin's urge for revenge
Chapter 40 The invitation
Chapter 41 Kaylan's plan
Chapter 42 42
Chapter 43 43
Chapter 44 44
Chapter 45 45
Chapter 46 46
Chapter 47 47
Chapter 48 48
Chapter 49 49
Chapter 50 50
Chapter 51 51
Chapter 52 52
Chapter 53 53
Chapter 54 54
Chapter 55 55
Chapter 56 56
Chapter 57 57
Chapter 58 58
Chapter 59 59
Chapter 60 60
Chapter 61 61
Chapter 62 62
Chapter 63 63
Chapter 64 64
Chapter 65 65
Chapter 66 66
Chapter 67 67
Chapter 68 68
Chapter 69 69
Chapter 70 70
Chapter 71 71
Chapter 72 72
Chapter 73 73
Chapter 74 74
Chapter 75 75
Chapter 76 76
Chapter 77 77
Chapter 78 78
Chapter 79 79
Chapter 80 80
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