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Babysitter for the CEO

Babysitter for the CEO

Author: Stella2138
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Chapter 1 1

Word Count: 627    |    Released on: 01/05/2021

d lady took one more look at her apa

she could see the

ooked at her purse. The money in it isn't enough to take a

4 this month; still s

estaurant where she formerly worked because

y found one as a cleaner in a small company. Sh

an hour left to get there. She pats the c

ney admiring some things


since her destination was on that side. She looked at the

ly hit by a car that transgressed the rules. The drive

t!" she

re rich they think they can do anything. May heavens pu

been a different story. She looked at her watch and saw there wer

collided with a little girl. Both fell

girl. She wasn't good with hand

s? How could they leav

p from the ground and

carry me. Lisa wants a h

rl. 'Damn it! Why does she have to be so cute? An

parents?" she asked as she lifted the little

im. Lisa run away. Lisa lost. Mammy c

carrying you," Vane

n, she also needs to deliver th

e little girl whispered

sa si

eed you," she said

oves Mama" Lisa exclaimed happ

ked at her

walked further into a restaurant. T

ates stare at her in pity

lim lady walked to her dressed in

nd err... salad. Lisa can you eat

loves Mama" the littl

is pretty one?" t

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