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Sold To The Gang Leader

Sold To The Gang Leader

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Chapter 1 Sold Out

Word Count: 2138    |    Released on: 15/04/2021

By The Gang Lord


d us. I don't know how long I've been staying in this house, but I was brought here when

nds and I were returning from a friend's house, where a party was thrown in my name, un

led with the hefty men as they

ned to look at her, and I saw her staring at us b

nnounce before the driver in charge of t

n't stop screaming. The man who held her had to shut her up. He inje

ready frightening enough. But why was Blake left behind? She didn't

other hand. I don't even know if there are alive, but I hope th

a girl about my age entered the room and

e the proble

he room alerted; I stood up on my two shaky feet and went closer to th


o hide. Some couldn't stop crying. I mean,

saw men dressed in shady dresses approaching our room. I t

sonment. A kick came to the door, and I had to move away from the entrance,

otings outdoor. I wonder what is going on. The men succeeded in b

he first man to enter screamed at us to get

the air, frightening us the more. The newbies instantly ran ou

ere else, and just like that, I was the only girl left who hadn't obeyed.

lled me by the ankle, he started dragging me o

girls lined up on the floor. I can see our captor kneeling

ing me said to the formidable man wh

es and a cigarette fixed between his lips. His hair glued to the

e seems dangerous with the way he puffs out smoke from his mouth. His backside i

s bored grey orbs settled on me, an

wait there." I heard him

ed alluring and

me that his deep gruff voice is alluring. I mean, Hi

lding me obliged and st

ked? Oh, was that heavenly man sent to save us?-Oh my! I think that's what h

ntiago's prison house. -Yes, I call it prison-house, else why will they keep hol

enormous building, and it's more like a fortress,

nd we all came down, more like t

roaned, finally l

ndred percent sure that I can't escap

ghter than that of Sa

uilding. There, I saw servants going around cleaning the

being saved or what?—Did he bring

old but old enough to be a mother. He whispered something into her ear b

ed after giving me thorou

r weak legs can't let her climb the stairs faster. I followed her

will return. I'll know what to do with you after his instru

she closed the door. She ope

've bathed in a while. I'll be bringing you some foo

isn't so flashy, and it's decent enough. I went to sit down on the bed after stari

s coming. It's ok

opened, and the older woman walked in again, this

n front of me, but when she noticed me staring int

food to me. I opened the covered plate to s

ears welled up in my eyes at the thought. Without wasting time, I dug into the

of that. Don't they feed you where you came from? You look so malnourished. I'm n

that," I answered, not

e you know how to. I'll ask someone to bring another

She asked, noticing that

bed the cup of water. I

I thanked her

er we were given. I end up leaving the water to the rest of the

wards the dual doors at the left side of the room with reno

t it was a walk-in cabinet. I opened

lled off my dresses and dumped them on the floor before standing un

t was hanging, then wiped my body dry before I picked up my old wears and put them on. I w

er promise. I opened the tray to see the exact quantity I was given earlier. I be

and he might be a nice man despite how handsomely destructive he looks.

's window. I can see the gate and the guards from here. The

ed, but what caught my attention was the heavenly

th and was brought to him. The handsome, savagely looking man be

standard captor start beating him up. This is getting

p, and they did. He moistened down again to look at the body of the almost

r, he straightened back up and ordered his men

rash. Not that he doesn't deserve it though, he deserves more than that.

footsteps approaching, not long, the door op

She announced and grabbed me

meet that man? The h



Chapter 1 Sold Out Chapter 2 Let her in Chapter 3 Strip completely Chapter 4 Ma'am Sandra Chapter 5 Snotty Chapter 6 The new slave
Chapter 7 Seducing him
Chapter 8 Young master
Chapter 9 Let me face it
Chapter 10 Give me your back
Chapter 11 The Past
Chapter 12 Don't Hate
Chapter 13 I'm Sold
Chapter 14 Naomi
Chapter 15 Dinning
Chapter 16 Outing
Chapter 17 Noddles
Chapter 18 Glares
Chapter 19 Not a punishment
Chapter 20 So scared
Chapter 21 Andrew
Chapter 22 Who is she
Chapter 23 Why are you avoiding me
Chapter 24 School
Chapter 25 So annoying
Chapter 26 A new Shawna
Chapter 27 Mark
Chapter 28 Back!
Chapter 29 Why is he so close
Chapter 30 Sold out
Chapter 31 I don't wanna die
Chapter 32 Two faced
Chapter 33 If you want her to die
Chapter 34 You liar
Chapter 35 Fuck ng dubious
Chapter 36 Imposter
Chapter 37 Imposter 2
Chapter 38 Help
Chapter 39 In pains
Chapter 40 In pains 2
Chapter 41 Unconscious
Chapter 42 Leaving
Chapter 43 To him
Chapter 44 Locked
Chapter 45 Get on the bed
Chapter 46 Sent for
Chapter 47 A kiss
Chapter 48 Happy
Chapter 49 Come closer
Chapter 50 Angry
Chapter 51 Angry
Chapter 52 Dresses
Chapter 53 A kiss
Chapter 54 Who is he
Chapter 55 Vivian
Chapter 56 Who is she
Chapter 57 Fighting club
Chapter 58 Set up
Chapter 59 Set up
Chapter 60 Problems
Chapter 61 Escaping 1
Chapter 62 Escaping 2
Chapter 63 Escaping 3
Chapter 64 Escaping 4
Chapter 65 Escaping 5
Chapter 66 Proposal
Chapter 67 Vivian
Chapter 68 S*xing
Chapter 69 Suzan
Chapter 70 Betray
Chapter 71 Luwis
Chapter 72 Emotions
Chapter 73 Sadness
Chapter 74 Sadness
Chapter 75 Going back to normal
Chapter 76 More kisses
Chapter 77 Naomi
Chapter 78 Old times
Chapter 79 Arrival
Chapter 80 Suprised
Chapter 81 Past
Chapter 82 Glares
Chapter 83 Red
Chapter 84 Gifts Bryan
Chapter 85 Tine
Chapter 86 Dillon
Chapter 87 S*x
Chapter 88 Bad Bitch
Chapter 89 The execution
Chapter 90 Four long years
Chapter 91 Lewiston
Chapter 92 Do you forgive me
Chapter 93 Do you like him
Chapter 94 He is back
Chapter 95 Bryan
Chapter 96 He is my son
Chapter 97 I need you
Chapter 98 Married
Chapter 99 Ending
Chapter 100 Happy ending
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