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The Lovers

The Lovers

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Chapter 1 Hugh

Word Count: 1371    |    Released on: 14/04/2021

w and Claire. And my sex life had been barren aside from our sexy g

I haven't called him back again. I kept on checking in with

p my mind off of sex. I had a couple of bad dates, ended

nths and I had managed to emptied more lube than when I was with them constantly fucking

. They didn't know that my parents' company went down, that they had stated bankruptcy last month. Thankful

g my two-bedroom apartment that I foolishly get just in case Claire or Andrew m

. Do you want to join? Check out some chi

m, invading my space with his alluring European attitude. And since then my di

buy mo

got a quiz tomorr

r the coffee pot, his naked abs cros

ck her at her place." He seated his sweatpants-covered ass on the kitchen counter,

st keep in mind

about our campus life, then he excused himself w

lease before I go to bed. And that was when I put on my favorite porn, which was of Claire, Andrew, and me. My Bluetooth

w sucked her. I didn't realize that I was moanin

urriedly covered my er

mirked look

his is my room, you kn

f not locking the door before I decided to masturbate. I took off my buds

k at him with a straight face. While he was lookin

eally t

ard your voice I thought you have company but I liste

sound co

d to close the conversation an

t my home porn with me who was b


Now, pl


cking ki


get th

I called him out, but

hard. But then within moments he was back and abruptly scoots i

the f

u think you

mmates. You can still touch yourself, I won't mind. B

itching to push him down and kiss him hard, and then my dick s


cleared my throat once again, then drink the co

ked like a real porn star. Do you mind?" He asked

the h

ously doing this

ou're doing


y home

asked, do you mind?


the video off an

..I guess you don't l


hot, I mean if I'd do a gu

ut you have a

an..." he was closing his gap

uck t

he was kissing me back with such passion that I'd thought he had gone mad

you sure

vealing my hard dick before him. I waited for him when he hesita

though I think yours is a bit thicker. Nice one man." He

often...huh, Hugh? Oh, fuck... that

he edge when I fina

hold his wrists above his head

he gasped wanting

pull down his boxers. I smirked looking at his precum and was awarded

embarrassed by the fact that he couldn't

eave me to enjoy my alone time." I peel

ou hav

t you off, and that's that, we don't

handle being bisexual, but being fuck by a man can be very intimidating.

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