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Love With The Emotionless Killer

Love With The Emotionless Killer

Author: Kiss Leilani
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Chapter 1 01

Word Count: 832    |    Released on: 08/04/2021


" Greg pleaded, lying down ther

. Mentally, I calculated the distance betw

medulla oblongata

want to kill me, you mothe

head, I

tched his brain splutter everywhere, most

ed out, walking st

orris asked follo

oday. Tell the boss I'll be in tomorrow mo

ng to th


e pussy?" I heard the

you, M

entered it. I faced the cheeky bastard, "Clean up he

e, Zero. Have a heart, m

ving one destin


tlight. I car passed, blocking my view and I wai


ack pavement. The flowers in the window promised r

e came i


urling around her shoulders as she fussed wit

study her handiwork. Not satisfied, she pulled the b

snapped back, the tendrils curling against each

precision, each movement focuse

ips stretched into that beautiful smile

fucking kinds. But I've never

o her so strong, it might as well be written

was driving away after doing a job to see her

fascinated in

n interest in her. Even damn man must sta

iful woman I've ever seen an

slightest gesture, makes her so....... I drew a blank

e a gun or any torture device and I'll

rt. No, I'm the worst kind of bad, and I

want to fucking own her

m it. I want to pump her full with my cum and watch it drip down her leg as she s

feed off pain. Shove the both t

most like that innocence wrapped

ght is fucking dr

e pulled her hair over one shoulder to the slight

along with the steady beat of my

e past two months but time coul

d snuff out her innocence and light until she has b

will d

t her, bu


my car and

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