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Echoes Of Darkness

Echoes Of Darkness

Author: Gegimei
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Chapter 1 Intro

Word Count: 490    |    Released on: 03/04/2021

of the town's residents had returned to their homes, closed the curtain

ork, he walked along the pavement as the street lights turned on and of

and that small gap that was missing from his memory, a place of total blackness. Right on this spot was

ely he can see the silhouettes of The Floaters, floating still in the sky like

r the other ones. This place bore myths and legends straight out of h

g nothing. Sometimes he can hear a whistle or a hum, sometimes a crackle like a grinding of the teeth, they all came from the hanging shadows tha

istening to the taps of the soles of his shoes and his steady breathing. Passing by the sam

10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1 and watched the street light behind him t

lamp to see what was going on. Chief Colby Jones stepped out of his car and took a quick glance at him before walking into the club. He was alone.

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