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The Gangleader's Promise

The Gangleader's Promise

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Chapter 1 Prologue

Word Count: 283    |    Released on: 07/03/2021

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ched best friend. He was chilling by his car with

d, Lisha was her nickname

looking at his friends

or yours?" He opened the pass

is picking me up soon, we'

around town while we ta

ive minutes",

king Lisha, you're wo

t think I'm coming b

l keep in contact

ourse", s

am and this year we planned to ru

oes it first", Elis


ight me for vice captain spot thi

een captain since I'm captain of t

one thing?

ng", he

of trouble, you'll be th

ise", h

goodbye Brendan, I'll b

iting for that


this is the intro

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