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Chapter 2 Dine with the devil

Word Count: 2175    |    Released on: 13/01/2021

de and the grown. Everyone finally got seated in their respective seats, waiting on the groom to mak

hing son?" Liam's dad screa

me? Is he not your son to

ns, and Liam's parents were taking all the heat from their relative. The

ring got more emphatic. People kept mumbling and t

to call the bride inside. May we all stand a

as the large wooded door opened, a

ched gracefully down the aisle. Her glamorous white gown, veil,

hite silk bouquet when she did not see Liam. But Carmen kept her head high and continued walking. Hal

." Mr. Smith whispered in his daugh

t the door to see if the groom would walk in since his bride was already there. Then another five minutes passed, and another four minut

d inside. Carmen turned her head to stare at her groom, and instead of feeling happy, her tears s

chievous son of yours?" Liam's grandfathe

heir heads in shame. Their son had brought embarrassmen

lucid for Carmen to hear, and the scandal people had to say about her wedding was unbearable for her to han

hate in his eyes when he gazed at her. She bent he

the reality that she did not know why he was mad. In her mind, she puzzles over whether it was her fa

bribe to say their vows.

ion had not changed. His face seems to be stiffer, and she hopes that

ou on for the rest of my life. From the moment you wrote that confession note to me, I have kept those w

amn love note. It was never w

answer. He seemed too focused on his thoughts to hear what w

our vow to the bride." The cle

mber what I wrote, " Liam replied in a sarcastic tone. He casually put

put the joke aside, don't you hav

s words. She felt a little better. Liam drew close to her and whispered in her ear. "I don't lov

ard. So when the clergyman asked Carmen if she would take Liam to be her lawful

uys husband and wife.

she cried as the salty taste of blood pulled upon her tongue. When Liam removed his l

faces of people was joyful. But Carmen could not forget the cold expression Liam wore

de and the grown. Everyone finally got seated in their respective seats, waiting on the groom to mak

thing son?" Liam's dad scr

me? Is he not your son to

ns, and Liam's parents were taking all the heat from their relative. The

ring got more emphatic. People kept mumbling and t

to call the bride inside. May we all stand a

as the large wooded door opened, a

ched gracefully down the aisle. Her glamorous white gown, veil,

hite silk bouquet when she did not see Liam. But Carmen kept her head high and continued walking. Hal

." Mr. Smith whispered in his daugh

t the door to see if the groom would walk in since his bride was already there. Then another five minutes passed, and another four minut

d inside. Carmen turned her head to stare at her groom, and instead of feeling happy, her tears s

chievous son of yours?" Liam's grandfathe

heir heads in shame. Their son had brought embarrassmen

lucid for Carmen to hear, and the scandal people had to say about her wedding was unbearable for her to han

hate in his eyes when he gazed at her. She bent he

the reality that she did not know why he was mad. In her mind, she puzzles over whether it was her fa

bribe to say their vows.

ion had not changed. His face seems to be stiffer, and she hopes that

ou on for the rest of my life. From the moment you wrote that confession note to me, I have kept those w

amn love note. It was never w

answer. He seemed too focused on his thoughts to hear what w

our vow to the bride." The cle

mber what I wrote, " Liam replied in a sarcastic tone. He casually put

put the joke aside, don't you hav

s words. She felt a little better. Liam drew close to her and whispered in her ear. "I don't lov

ard. So when the clergyman asked Carmen if she would take Liam to be her lawful

uys husband and wife.

she cried as the salty taste of blood pulled upon her tongue. When Liam removed his l

faces of people was joyful. But Carmen could not forget the cold expression Liam wore



Chapter 1 Until you divorce me Chapter 2 Dine with the devil Chapter 3 No escape Chapter 4 An awful morning Chapter 5 Bittersweet lies Chapter 6 Let me be
Chapter 7 Fake moment
Chapter 8 Because I love him
Chapter 9 Drunk night
Chapter 10 Wasted effort
Chapter 11 Hurtful words
Chapter 12 The invitation
Chapter 13 He's mine to call "Husband"
Chapter 14 Uncertainty
Chapter 15 Unstable attention
Chapter 16 The gifts.
Chapter 17 There's another
Chapter 18 A change of heart
Chapter 19 Jealousy or pride
Chapter 20 Rage
Chapter 21 "I am sorry."
Chapter 22 Lying to hide the truth
Chapter 23 “I am losing you. Ain't I ”
Chapter 24 I'm not yours
Chapter 25 The first gift
Chapter 26 A mother's rage
Chapter 27 Conflict of interest
Chapter 28 Past pain and future plan
Chapter 29 “Sleep with me tonight."
Chapter 30 Indecisive
Chapter 31 A messes heart
Chapter 32 The spark
Chapter 33 He were mine
Chapter 34 He was never mine
Chapter 35 Vice versa
Chapter 36 Misunderstanding
Chapter 37 A fight between childhood friends.
Chapter 38 A nightmare in reality.
Chapter 39 Two weeks
Chapter 40 Heartless
Chapter 41 Ex-best friend
Chapter 42 I want you back
Chapter 43 A CEO Position
Chapter 44 Single again
Chapter 45 All hell break loose
Chapter 46 You
Chapter 47 An unwanted decision
Chapter 48 Neighbors
Chapter 49 Fake apology
Chapter 50 She's not yours
Chapter 51 At their mercy
Chapter 52 Is it too late for an apology
Chapter 53 You get what you deserve
Chapter 54 Security
Chapter 55 Horror
Chapter 56 Facing the past in the present
Chapter 57 I am sorry
Chapter 58 A racing heart
Chapter 59 Awakening feelings
Chapter 60 In her arms for a night
Chapter 61 Let's talk
Chapter 62 A slight chance of hope
Chapter 63 There's no coming back from this
Chapter 64 A secret
Chapter 65 Complicated
Chapter 66 “How did we get here ”
Chapter 67 Trap
Chapter 68 A Contract Marriage
Chapter 69 A close book
Chapter 70 Nothing becomes something
Chapter 71 Mix up
Chapter 72 Did you
Chapter 73 Fate
Chapter 74 Caught in between
Chapter 75 In the middle
Chapter 76 The heart wants what it wants.
Chapter 77 In another life
Chapter 78 Does it hurt
Chapter 79 I love you
Chapter 80 Space
Chapter 81 The waiter
Chapter 82 Time to move on
Chapter 83 The wine
Chapter 84 The cruelty of fate
Chapter 85 You are fire
Chapter 86 Against her will
Chapter 87 Feeling
Chapter 88 Panic
Chapter 89 A DNA Test
Chapter 90 A Death Threat
Chapter 91 Kidnap
Chapter 92 Last Breath
Chapter 93 A full-blooded Smith
Chapter 94 Trust Me With Your Heart
Chapter 95 Twenty-one missed Calls
Chapter 96 Do you hate me
Chapter 97 Ten o'clock
Chapter 98 The conference
Chapter 99 Choose your side
Chapter 100 A final decision
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