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Chapter 3 The Car Accident

Word Count: 620    |    Released on: 09/02/2021

he answer your phone calls? W

f questions w

. He chose me as your bridesmaid because I can wear

as she lifted the hemline of her white

er dress took

he palm print on her right

e was lost in thought,

edding. You're a jinx. I'm sure the Mo famil

onds, she grabbed the doorknob of the room and said, "I don't believe a wor

on changed when

wake up, and it's a

headed, Nicole touched her head. "The doc

it was just a possib

n, Nicole remarked, "Then let

ole's back, Peggy fe

homas w

than one percent, she woul

the one who cause

edding, she called Thomas a

ested to Thomas that

he refu

they were kids. And yet she was not as important

hile they were quarreling, she desper

o the wedding! Thomas, you

truck crashed into dri


nses as she glared a

t not w

hed the door op

lla of th

ed the living room, she

w dare you

s stunned

me Mom?" The more Bridget spoke, the angrier she became. "Don't think that I don't know who instigated Thomas to steal our household register and get marriage

er chest started heavin


ight now and stop paying for that psychopa

ne kick this woman out now! Don't eve

ess, two strong servants shoved her. She fell on her bac

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