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Chapter 3 Jealousy Does Taste Like Hell

Word Count: 1769    |    Released on: 05/01/2021

might not know it, but when he had leaned over her chair a few minutes earlier Paige had felt her heart stop and then start suddenly with a pounding, she fea

also the first time she had ever gotten this close to him ever since she started working for him. And ever sinc


ce instantly, and before Leo knew what was happening, she

u a

en having this urge to throw up all morning and I feared

yed his desk askance. “Are you


Are you sure

doing “But you see the urge comes from time to time, and it's bet

Paige blow up in laughter. His expression had veiled, and he stared at the desk with disgust a

t serves

could almost feel the wheels turning in his head as he looked like he was

im. He might not have known it but leaning behind her like that wasn't a thing she could sit through quietly. Because not only was she reactin

the look on his face, it was clear he wasn't happy about it. And by the time Paige was finished with her boss, she was a

tasy and reality. But that doesn't mean she didn't get jealous anytime she saw him with other women. And he knows how to pick them. Beautiful women. In

flagging a taxi to take her to the r

suggested they continued seeing each other. Which Paige had agreed, but should have cut off when she noticed his feeling for her was growing deeper. However anytime she brought it up Finn always found a way to s

she was selfish as this was the first she ha

er mind, everything was all wrong. Sometimes she gets the feeling Finn knows she has her heart out for someone else and is probably waiting for her

ny obstacles in their way, and they were way out of league and out o

She will never feel like she was good enough. Steams from a bad break up with her ex in college. Who was very rich and after gett

nother rich bloke, only now the

le in a fancy Spanish restaurant Finn did discover newly. He

hair out for her, and she sat down smiling. Typical Finn, a gentleman and caring too. He was

today.” This he said

I have been working all day with my boss without a moment's rest. And theirs no way I could still look pretty after tha

to her to choose her food. Paige picked a *Patatas* *Bravas* with extra toppings of *chorizo* and chicken a

e he rented in Santa Barbara. He had popped the question sometime last week, but Paige was withholding her answer. She didn't know. With them not dating, agreeing to spend the

hand when she said, “I don't know Finn, maybe next time.” To liven his mood, however, when she saw

a long time before his wounded expre

ct at the University half of which entered from one ear and left through the other as

wenty minutes until the ringing tone

a napkin to his lips as she fis

alled her aside of office hours. He was that reasonable. That he was calling h

“My boss.” He had stopped eating his food and his

ngsong voice filter

nd rough. “Book me a suite in one of the f

hone as she heard a feminine voice wh

friend or a friend's sister who got stuck

uy a pretty dress in size 6 and send it up to the suite.” The phone d

n her handbag. Finn asked if she was alright, and she s

nvince Finn or herself because she could swear she could t



Chapter 1 The Club Chapter 2 Boss Of Nine Months Caused Funny Feelings In Her Chapter 3 Jealousy Does Taste Like Hell Chapter 4 Prey Of The Day Chapter 5 Let's Stalk Your Boss Chapter 6 A Martini For The Girls
Chapter 7 A Martini For The Girls II
Chapter 8 A Drunk Girl In The Club
Chapter 9 Conspiracy
Chapter 10 Fake Fiance I
Chapter 11 Fake Fiance II
Chapter 12 Fake Fiance III
Chapter 13 Meeting His Family
Chapter 14 Dinner With Her Boss's Family
Chapter 15 Dinner with The Boss's Family II
Chapter 16 Proving Himself
Chapter 17 Emotions On The Rise I
Chapter 18 Emotions On The Rise II
Chapter 19 Pillow Talk
Chapter 20 Not Exactly A Suit And A Tie
Chapter 21 Your Exaggerations Are Beyond Me
Chapter 22 He Could Smell Her This Close!
Chapter 23 The Thing With Rosa
Chapter 24 I Have Seen The Way You Look At My Brother.
Chapter 25 Big Bad Wolf
Chapter 26 I Think Leo Likes You
Chapter 27 Don't Try To Be Like Other Women I Know
Chapter 28 The Proposal
Chapter 29 Did He Say The Words
Chapter 30 Desire
Chapter 31 Jealousy Incarnate
Chapter 32 Physical Pleasure Or More
Chapter 33 Physical Pleasure Or More II
Chapter 34 Do Not Call Me Boss, Call Me By My Name
Chapter 35 Consequences Be Damned
Chapter 36 Tears Of Frustration
Chapter 37 A Good Day For Confessions
Chapter 38 A Good Day For Confessions II
Chapter 39 Jealousy Brews
Chapter 40 Could He Be Jealous
Chapter 41 Pleasure In The Garden
Chapter 42 Head Over Heels
Chapter 43 Someone From The Past
Chapter 44 Trouble Brews
Chapter 45 45_ Trouble Brews II
Chapter 46 The Kiss Meant Nothing
Chapter 47 The Encounter
Chapter 48 I Know You Felt Something
Chapter 49 I'm Your Boss You Aren't Supposed To Defy Me
Chapter 50 Make Love To Me
Chapter 51 Let Me Taste You
Chapter 52 You Are Big
Chapter 53 Did You Tamper With The Condom
Chapter 54 I Missed You
Chapter 55 The Rival
Chapter 56 Suspected Of Being In A Relationship
Chapter 57 Chance Meeting With A Rival
Chapter 58 My Boss
Chapter 59 You're Beautiful And Tempting
Chapter 60 Aren't You In Love With Him
Chapter 61 Are You Pregnant
Chapter 62 Why won't You Love Me
Chapter 63 Marry Me, Paige
Chapter 64 Secret Revealed
Chapter 65 Hotel Hallway
Chapter 66 Keeping Her At Arm's Length
Chapter 67 Grand Confession
Chapter 68 Kiss Me More
Chapter 69 Take It Off
Chapter 70 The Proposal
Chapter 71 Epilogue
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