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Miss CEO: Lost In Love And Trickery

Miss CEO: Lost In Love And Trickery

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Chapter 1 One Night Stand

Word Count: 1437    |    Released on: 10/08/2020

ttendant standing at the club entrance

ealthy, rosy glow to her flawless complexion. Her large, doe-like eyes, misty with tears, sparkled with mesmerizing intensity. She looked as though sh

e had seen many gorgeous women working at the club, but all of them had achieved the effec

r his mouth when he realized what he had done. It was club policy to protect the privacy of t

s inside, she stepped past the attendant and h

er attendant blurted out as he watched

weat. Was Evan Xiao's wife here to cat

eave her way through the guests milling about inside. Everyone stopp

rately for him like a drowning woman. His expression hardened into a chilly frown as he took

eezed past the other guests to r

o call you all day. Grandpa's sick again. We have to go to

. And now you're back to cry wolf again? I won't fall for the same sob story twice. What is it this time? What do you want from me?" Evan sneered Xiao. "Ar

ok her a minute to finally spot the attra

. Can I?" Lana Luo purred seductivel

d her chin and said, "You'r

of warmth crept into his cold eyes. Della Jiang realized with a bit

r voice cracked as she pleaded t

ck," Evan cut her off impatiently

ar features settled into his usual disdainful frown. For a brief moment, she was struck by a strange, terrifying thought: perhaps the

ed his name again, despite his warning. She dropped her gaze and continued meekly, "Let's go to the hospital to see Grandpa. Th

with tubes of every kind attached to his frail body s

his wife, but she looked and sounded so sincere he found it difficult to believe that sh

top Mr. Xiao from leaving to attend to family matters. Still, I can't help but feel that this is unfair to the rest of us. He just arrived, and now he'

grandpa is actually sick? Maybe

just looking for an excuse to leave,"

The whole room eru

ying to embarrass Della Jiang, but he couldn't interven

any of them, but he knew that it wasn't a good idea to offend all of them at the same time. He decided

the marriage, his grandfather had continued the charade by complaining of migraines every day to guilt-trip him into comin

ily at Lana Luo and said, with as much pri

fficult for him or his wife." "Well, Mr. Xiao can't drink because he has to drive. I propose that his wife, Mrs. Xiao," Lana paused here for emphasis

iskey, and we'll let Mr. Xiao go," an

r expectantly with his arms crossed and a smirk on his lips. He was enjoying

e brimming with tears, but she lifted her

r. He had never believed her, not even once, and it would b

membered Evan's grandpa's pale, haggard face, and knew she had to

s. Xiao." Smiling, Lana Luo picked up the bottle on the ta

ispensed the powdered aphrodisiac hidden inside her sleeve into the whiskey. Then she rais

er woman's face. Determined to show that she wasn't afraid

she blinked back the tears and controlled herself. She

ore this. As soon as she finished the third glass, her vision began to swim. She tried to walk

With that, Evan Xiao turned and walked

e advantage of her, not when they knew she was his wife. Perhaps there would be a few photos and scathing remarks about her drunken, disgraceful behavior in the n

hed Evan Xiao leave. Once she was sure he had gone, s

e Mrs. Xiao to a room so she can lie down and rest,"

a Jiang's arm and tried to guide her to the elevator t

Jiang sobbed pitifully. She was so distraught th

o a sobbing, drunken mess. She was certain that Evan Xiao would

ess, it was virtually undetectable, yet extremely potent for men and women. A ti

im at her mercy, but she wasn't upset. Drugging Dell

empty guest room, Lana Luo found a secluded corner in the hallway, w

rong, with a lot of stamina. Send

gled to remember where she was or what she was supposed to be doing. The attendant had left as soon as he

out for her husband as she stumble

eliving the nightmare that had been her wedding night. Her husband had not touched her after the wedding. H

ht desperately to herself. 'I can't let



Chapter 1 One Night Stand Chapter 2 A Shameful Escape Chapter 3 Six Years Later Chapter 4 She Is Different Chapter 5 The Truth Of That Night Chapter 6 Self Injury Trick Chapter 7 Stand Up For Her Chapter 8 Worship Grandpa Chapter 9 The Marriage Between Xiao Family And Luo Family Chapter 10 Who Held Me Last Night Chapter 11 Eaton Tang Is Back
Chapter 12 Being Bullied
Chapter 13 I Heard That You Have A Son!
Chapter 14 The Old Man Was Dumped
Chapter 15 Investigate Mark
Chapter 16 Don't You Feel Anything About Mark
Chapter 17 Affect The Progress
Chapter 18 Live In My House
Chapter 19 Ambiguity
Chapter 20 Do You Want To Sleep With Me
Chapter 21 Protect Her
Chapter 22 Don't Take It To Heart
Chapter 23 Misunderstand Us
Chapter 24 Scheming And Being Attacked
Chapter 25 What Are You Doing Here
Chapter 26 Seduce
Chapter 27 Don't Play Too Much
Chapter 28 Are You Driving Me Away
Chapter 29 Video
Chapter 30 Eaton Is Obsessed With You
Chapter 31 Why Don't You Choose Him
Chapter 32 Is It Della's Old House
Chapter 33 You Don't Have To Sell Yourself Out
Chapter 34 As Long As You Go Out To Seduce Men
Chapter 35 What's Wrong Are You Angry
Chapter 36 It's Obviously Against You
Chapter 37 Della, It Was You Who Forced Me
Chapter 38 Don't Play Dumb With Me
Chapter 39 Who Let You Follow Me
Chapter 40 Do You Admire Me
Chapter 41 Are You Really Going To Make A Move
Chapter 42 Are You Going To Lie
Chapter 43 This Woman Is Mine!
Chapter 44 A Double Whammy
Chapter 45 Kiss
Chapter 46 Who Is The Mistress
Chapter 47 Shame On You!
Chapter 48 A Master of Seducing Men
Chapter 49 What Did You Hear
Chapter 50 Ruthless Response
Chapter 51 Della Should Be The First One
Chapter 52 I Am Here
Chapter 53 Mark Is My Man
Chapter 54 Am I Molested
Chapter 55 Luca Is Sick
Chapter 56 Do Not Mess With Della Anymore
Chapter 57 Is This Your Son
Chapter 58 I Am Going To See Your Son
Chapter 59 You Are A Mother Now
Chapter 60 Don't We Go Too Far, Mr. Tang
Chapter 61 Acting CEO
Chapter 62 I Curse You, Della
Chapter 63 I Am Your Daughter
Chapter 64 Who Are You to Me Now
Chapter 65 Evan, Don't Go Too Far
Chapter 66 Mr. Mark Has Always Been So Powerful!
Chapter 67 Did Luka Bully You Again
Chapter 68 Are You My Father
Chapter 69 They Are Likely to Become Lovers
Chapter 70 Burn the Bridge after Crossing It
Chapter 71 Marry Me
Chapter 72 Getting Worse
Chapter 73 Don't Cry
Chapter 74 The Baby Is Yours
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