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Chapter 5 An Old Dream In The Familiar City

Word Count: 1727    |    Released on: 04/08/2020

oked. We have prepared the apartment according to your requ

or more than twenty years, she felt as if her legs were

inda had arranged everything to come here overnight, but she ha

e checked in with her handbag didn't give her any sen

off the plane, but unexpectedly she saw the l

ly. Her slender fingers shook the black sunglasses casually, a

ile. Then the woman showed a playful smile and said, "It seems that Ms. Linda doesn't like formalities like me,

orwardness, Linda also smiled and h

da's arm and said, "Ms. Linda, you haven't eaten yet, have you? L

the apartment to have a look. Hearing that Camelia had boasted abo

them fell in love and got married, he was like a piece

again. She smiled with self-mockery and thought, 'Yes, is my

t extricate herself from it, Camelia Xia in the driver's se

or the lease of my apartment has been hung out for a few months. Only Ms. Linda rented it directly without saying

s others' thoughts without permission?" Linda raise

while, Camelia Xia smiled apologetically and said

melia Xia's phone rang, "Hel

aid. Camelia Xia sped up and changed the direction to the downtow

o encounter fraud, but the next second she saw Camelia Xia take out a wo

pologetically, "I'm sorry, Ms. Linda. I have an ur

elor" on her work card, Lin

didn't mind, so Cam

unately, Camelia Xia was considerate. The cold air was on in th

figures walked over from the side of the car. Sh

has been looking for you c

la in Jin City under the arrangement of James. After a

ound garage. They happened to pass by Camelia Xia. Before they cou

is hand was held tightly by someone. Then he heard

inkled on the ground casually. The woman in front of him had a pair of wat

emotions, but his eyes were filled with anger, which made the two

't help loosening her grip on him, "

. He pulled his hand back with a little strength and said,

have believed that the woman who had killed h

ke what you see! I... " "Stop!" Looking at her tearful f

who had been standing next to them, cut in, "We

sorry for the murderer of his mothe

e, Linda stood st

n the car and rolled down the window, "By the way, Linda, my sister i

response, he stepped o

t even look at her from beginning t

y take the opportunity to alienate their relationship, only when she really saw t

... " She was like a pet abandoned by her master

rear-view mirror, she was as thin as a leaf. F

a should be a scheming woman. The

n they were together, but… It

ent victim, Lisa, who had been in love with him for so many years. If he didn'

o had been secretly observing John's expression, felt mor

en he opened his eyes again, he looked as cold a

felt relieved and drove

n the ground. The only thing she could clearly fe

nd there seemed to be a murder case, except for this ent

by the drivers, Linda realized

e ground, a car light pierced her eyes

ove her head. She slightly opened her red a

he looked a little more innocent and childish. However, his action of helping her up was gentle. He

Linda steadied herself and d

e time, Charles Ye smiled awkwardly, "Why are you her

cretly in love with Linda for many years, and he had thought

y fallen in love with John. Now he thought

h John. Not long after, He heard th

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