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Chapter 6 The Best Neighbor (Part Two)

Word Count: 1861    |    Released on: 24/07/2020

e subject so quickly, and a person who was n

ora didn't have the habit of complaining to others. From childhood to adulthood, she had to bear all the loneliness an

ut smile bitterly. 'After one or two days of

tell him, so he wouldn't force her. "Miss Flora,

then turned around a

heir study one

But the general manager of The Shen Clan was so fantast

in with both hand

en he saw the photos on the table, he

ere was a girl's back. She was wearing a white

it. It should be said that after so many years, the dis

and woke up at once. She took the mobile phone from the bedside table and found that it was Merry. Then she l

ickly and greeted her politely. Even if she

heard that the place where William often

a sigh of relief. She rushed into the bathroom, brushed her teeth, washed her face

ived a call from Anne, who was lying at home and laughed at her on t

tioned response. When she saw that someone in the company

free on Saturday. I have very important work to do." Flora put down her work bag and s

o come back from abroad. Why don't you come to acco

accompany Flora. "Anne, I'm fine. Don't worry. I wil

ner together tonight and I'll take

hanging up the phone, Flora picked up a piece of

nothing in the fridge. She took her wallet and pr

dered whether Mr. William had already gone out? He had helped h

supermarket one hundred meters away from the community. Flora too

going to buy vegetables and fruits." Flora carried

o bought a fish by the way. Flora went to the counter to pay the bill with a

Flora followed behind Will

ike a doll, walking to him with two bags of big things in her hands. "What a coin

illiam had already walked forward,

e arrived at home, Flora took the bag and said to William seriously. In fact, she d

one had ever invited him to lunch so

ings into the house, classified the things

. It was so weird. Every time she met Mr. William, she would do something that she co

word? She went to the study to get the laptop, returned t

he section where Flora was in charge. She opened the official website

. She recorded the comments and suggestions of every audience, so that sh

was already ten o'clock. Flora put aside her

lora had trained hers

with tomatoes, fried vegetables, braised eggplan

After taking off her apron, Flora walked to the opposite

pen the door. Flora couldn't help but wonder if

g to turn around and go back, the door opened fr

just now, sorry to ha

ora smiled and said, "Mr. William, I hav


prised that she could make the house so warm. He sat at the table and looking

ious, but there were two dishes he d

r hands. She sat opposite to William and handed him a bowl o

d." Flora said unnaturally. She didn't kno

really good. Fish was his favorite dish, and he would orde

irl like you to be so good at c

She lowered her head and

d fish was Mr. William's most popular dish, but he had ne

of the kitchen and saw William standing in the

Flora walked to

" William said with smile. It was indeed the most relaxing lunch in the past few months. Al

dn't help but feel sorry for him. 'Didn't anyone cook for him?' As a successful man, he must be a gentleman who stayed away from the kitc

nd said, "Okay." He found a l

ut it, he had been envied for many

ng up the phone, Flora carried her bag and went out. She looked at the door of room 3301 opposite, wondering whether Mr. William wo

wrote a few lines with a pen and s

nner at home tonight. This is

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