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Billionaire in Control

Billionaire in Control

Author: vee0821
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Chapter 1 one

Word Count: 1102    |    Released on: 31/08/2019


eeks ea

cing the most important decision of my life. It was one of those roc

drink, " I

d woman sitting on a leather couch across

me and smiled.

h it for me. She was a guest. She returned a minute later with a margarita, the rim of

aid, unable to re

tthias. If you need anyth

he flirting. I wasn't in the mood to fl

orld and the guest of honor at this little shindig on the Pacific Ocean, a few mile

owed us downstairs quickly

beside mine. "Get loose. This is my birt

d, " I lied. "I needed

around as if you are personally re

ry. I don't want

t about your dad's

ot upset, a li

think that's

ruly brown hair from my forehe

you to. I think you need to decid

ife would just add a dose of drama. I don't want a relation

r cheating or having a wa

ike the luxury of flirting with

he beach house, the cars? Aren't all

rk, thousand-dollar sunglasses. "

a wife. It isn't

to be married an

everything. You're too d

ad. "Easier s

today. Right now, you're on your beautiful yacht filled with gorgeous women who would

an to marry me?" I asked, v

untry. How you managed to get so damn tall is beyond me. Women are dra

e. I stared at the people milling about. I didn't know most of them. I had put out an ope

think my wife is o

"It's the searching th

I didn't find a woman to marry within the nine months, the

ve after he passed away. I have a short amount of time to use and inherit

etween several charities, and that would make the news. It wou

ther drink. Join me.

. "I'll be ther

o face the water and thought about what my life would look like at this time ne

"Ladies, this is Matthias Lekas.

e blonde-hair girl had her arms loo

tall blonde-haired girl with blue ey

ith gorgeous honey eyes that reflected from the lights and her

k girl, but she had that empty lo

the side, I looked at her and g


s in curiosity to see if I was paying attention to her. She looked at me

asked, walking to them, t

ut off from me when I was actu

'' I replied a

. But, I go

's nice to

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