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Chapter 10 The wedding

Word Count: 1516    |    Released on: 04/09/2019


w this is just a contractual wedding, I know this is just an agreement between me and him, I

'This I promise you', and then I slowly lifted my eyes and looked straight at the altar. And there was my husband a f

us on the red carpet where I walk, as I don't want to slip, lose my balance an

personally chose Craig to walked with me towards the altar despite Daniel's disapproval, and to tell you honestly, I really don't know why. But

." Craig whispered to my ear and kiss

rming, sweety." she gives me a motherly smile an

et words, so it's my father who could walk with me in the aisle towards the altar. Who could both give me a

raped, and chose to believe those people instead of his own daughter. Especially the person who almost ruined

aving a whole family. And didn't end up on marrying someone just for seeking j

ontemplating if I should really need to do this. Counting the rest of the steps in my mind, I felt Craig's hand on

you have Sophia. God has always a good plan for

, I nodded and give

parents-in-law after this ceremony, give me one last hug before passing my hand to the one who must t

st. When the song ended, I glanced at the church's choir where Rian's currently standing. She also give me a l

te the most intimate of bonds between two people, marriage. You all have been invited here not just as gue

looking at me intently. I also looked at him and never lowered my eyes, although deep inside, I was melting like a candle. This is the very first time I stared on his eye


at him. I was just pulled back into reality when his handsome face crunc

y know how to smile or

how I managed not to

orry de

before I concentra


truth, and the wisdom and strength of spirit, be your co

now kiss on

ster again as soon as I hear

essed the ceremony were now clapping their hands an

ed... for his lips to capture mine, with the rapid heartbeat inside, tingling nerves all over my body, dancing butter

yes when I finally felt

wish I didn't open my eyes and remained it close, because w

rehead? What am I,

ottom while looking directly into his eyes. And bingo! I didn't miss how his hazel brown eyes turne

ear 'husband'! Yes I'm still

before turning my eyes into the people

elley!" Rian was the one who shouted loudly and it also foll

ed us both with a wide

weety." my now Mom even i

om." I said s

w this is just an arranged marriage, but please respect her a

hear them and smiled w

me to fulfil our promise." he w

k you

e walked out of the church together. But of course, when we reached his car,

the backrest of the car seat as I looked outside the window, and tr

this agreement, it wouldn't be easy, it will take half of my life bei

do believe that God has His plan or plans for why He put me i



Chapter 1 First Meeting Chapter 2 Her Past Chapter 3 Accepting the deal Chapter 4 Phone calls Chapter 5 Family Dinner Chapter 6 Reunited Chapter 7 Engagement Party Chapter 8 Engagement Party (Part 2) Chapter 9 Don't eat your words Chapter 10 The wedding Chapter 11 Moving in with him
Chapter 12 New Day
Chapter 13 We are not friends
Chapter 14 Purple
Chapter 15 Senorita
Chapter 16 He's Jealous
Chapter 17 Dance Competition
Chapter 18 Am I hallucinating
Chapter 19 Serves you right
Chapter 20 Empty-headed
Chapter 21 Better to bite your tongue than to eat your words
Chapter 22 Lunch date
Chapter 23 I'm not jealous!
Chapter 24 Her absence
Chapter 25 Stubborn Wife
Chapter 26 Grand Champion
Chapter 27 Rian is missing
Chapter 28 What is happening to him
Chapter 29 Alex's accident
Chapter 30 I need your signature
Chapter 31 It's Him
Chapter 32 The Weather
Chapter 33 Her Mother
Chapter 34 I'm sorry
Chapter 35 Put aside your jealousy
Chapter 36 Mrs. Kelley
Chapter 37 She's just like them!
Chapter 38 Judgement
Chapter 39 That is what we call love
Chapter 40 Your wife is a strong woman
Chapter 41 Strange
Chapter 42 Confused
Chapter 43 No kiss, No phone
Chapter 44 Layla
Chapter 45 De Ja Vu
Chapter 46 Denial
Chapter 47 She seemed like a puzzle
Chapter 48 Sleep in my room
Chapter 49 Where is my kiss
Chapter 50 He's a good man
Chapter 51 Teddy Bear
Chapter 52 He's sick
Chapter 53 Can you sing for me
Chapter 54 Gift shop
Chapter 55 My wife
Chapter 56 I'm falling in love with him
Chapter 57 Crazy little thing called love
Chapter 58 Don't live in the past
Chapter 59 Luck was not on her side
Chapter 60 The opposite of the truth
Chapter 61 Disappointed
Chapter 62 I'm tired
Chapter 63 Package
Chapter 64 A mother's love
Chapter 65 No longer husband and wife
Chapter 66 This is your home!
Chapter 67 Ridiculous
Chapter 68 He loves you, Belle
Chapter 69 Giving up
Chapter 70 I have an idea!
Chapter 71 Escape plan
Chapter 72 Following him in San Diego
Chapter 73 You're drunk
Chapter 74 I love you!
Chapter 75 Let me explain
Chapter 76 Falling in love is not a mistake
Chapter 77 You fucked up, dude!
Chapter 78 I was wrong!
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