img Love Over Everything  /  Chapter 4 Four | 8.70%
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Chapter 4 Four

Word Count: 1298    |    Released on: 05/07/2019

uld be departing at 7 am on the dot. Naomi decided to spend five minutes admiring Ryan. He was so damn handsome and peaceful as he slept, She knew he was a possessive kind of guy with t

ent positions and sh

across him. But she was happy he helped her forget about Connor and hopefully, moving on wouldn't be that bad. She slowly unwrappe

she stood to her feet. She was s

er dress and got hold of her heels. She looked for Ryan's jacket and took her phon

lk for a while before she eventually got a taxi and whilst in the taxi, she u

his calls and texts and she told him t

ing sensations all over her body. She could feel Ryan's touch against her body. She hadn't even left Florida y

ber of hickeys Ryan left on her. She had about four on her neck and uncountable on her breasts and che

r the hickeys on her neck. She arranged her things in her small box after which she curled up on a couch with her arms wrapped arou

t was Daniel, the chauffeur. She stood up, reached for


mmediately he set his eyes on the other side of the bed which was

his clothes on the floor, Naomi's dress, und

ppers he could find and made his way down the building to see if he could still ca

find her walking down the street but he didn't. He parked his car in a nearby park and stopped some people tha

he was so mad at himself. Mad at himself for letting Naomi go. He finally saw the person he liked and he let her sli

s the first girl he ever brought to his apartment, the first woman he ever made love to, the fir

nce had he mistakenly brought any lady to his apartment a

the night but that was not the case of Naomi. Everything in his apartment was

he remembered something. He reached for the Jacket he was putting

s way to his bed and laid on his back. He felt miserable, it was as if a part of him w


eturn to her Parents mansion but she told the driver to take her to her ap

r apartment. She wanted to give him some cash but he refused politely. Unfortuna

ow apartment. This was the place she felt like home. She switched

the laundry room. She also took her hairdryer, makeup purse, toothbrush a

othing but stare at the white ceiling, looking at nothing in particular as she was deep in thought. No mat

or and move on but after being intimate with Ryan, Naomi was not sure if she would ever get over him. He made her

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