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Chapter 2 He Needs to Leave before the Sun Rises

Word Count: 3345    |    Released on: 29/04/2019

at was wrong with her? How could she take him to her house like this? She t

stains all over his shirt. 'By the looks of him, he has got to be some kind of criminal, ' she thought. Looking at him again, her mind beg

o me?' Carla's mom had told her never get involved with men like him. Her mom always used to say," Men like that will take all of your

r me? I hope that they don't think I was involved with this man, nor wh

uld cause complete havoc. The thought of him being in her house sen

ways willing to lend a helping hand to someone in need. As much as she wanted to help this man, she knew she couldn'

er since then, she was his mom and sister combined in one. They never had any ot

" said the voice behind her. Seeing Carla with a guy was something unusual. Carla never had a serious boyfriend, as she was always busy with something. She was always juggling work, taking care of her brother and working hard t

d just come from her usual run around the block and spotted them. She was very pretty. She had long tanned sk

with a big smile on her face. She w

ay between the two buildings, behind the dumpsters, and just leave him there. However, Carla

e slight irritation in her voice. "Come on, Carla... It's obvious. You know, bringi

ally need a break," Jena said. She had a big grin on her face. 'I wish that was true, ' Carla thought to herself. After saying

s intention to something more. Carla rolled her

was reported on the news that a storm is

giggle, she then disappeared up the stairs. Carla halfheartedly smiled a

ead was on Carla's shoulder. It's rather dark at night and Jena wasn't ab

rm around her neck and attempted to carry him off he

doing all this for th

gang, and now I have to carry him to somewhere safe. If I take him home, he will be putting both

the person I am... I will never be able to forg

d searched for his name but she couldn't find any. While searching him, Ca

promised herself that she'd find a man that could take care of her financially. She wanted him to be attractive, charming, romantic and to help her

?" she said quie

s thinking so deeply about a man t

have to risk it and take him home until he was better. She knew leaving him somewhere wou

d the door. Holing the man with her both hands and unable to reach for the ke

strength and put his entire body on her shoulder. "Come on. Just a lit

ay. Be patient! Did you forget your keys again? Stop kickin

n the door. "Come on, Sean! Open up!" Carla shouted from

" Looking at his sister, the sight of a man, whose face was covered in blood

e was just standing there and

seen so much blood before. It was only

... Help me!" Sean looked at her with his mouth wide open

re was sweat running down her red face. "That is the most exercise I have done all

or behind them and locked it just in case. Sean attempted to help Carla by grabbing his feet. After a lot of effor

care to tell me why there is an unconscious man with blood on his face lying on our couch

ed to the bathroom, fetched a wet cloth and started wiping the blood of hi

a hospital. I have always wanted to be a do

running wild about how this man got injured. "Sean, the medical aid kit!" Carla

shirt off, which was also full of blood, and threw it in the wash.

few cuts and bruises, but nothing too serious. She had notice

one here so go back to your room now and fini

up," Sean replied. Carla looked at him and i

He needed to finish his homework and get so

ot tired at all. She just wanted to

the couch where the man was lying. Since no one was around, she started to examine his face and his f

plastic surgery done on his

k how beautifully carved his eyelids are and how perfectly shaped his nose is. Tho

so seductive and he could make you do anything he desired with just one

off his face and l

body? How can everything be so perfec

hispered to him," If only you

face went red like a tomato from e

my face?" Forcing his eyes open, he almost jumped out of

ed with surprise,"

Where am I? Where is my shirt?" He asked Carla. He felt his head

magnificent his look was. She couldn't stop staring at him. 'How ca

ecause it was full of blood. You are in my house." Terence scanned the room he was in. It was a big living room, wit

amiliar. He thought to himself, 'Is

see what she looked like. He slightly moved his thick eyebrows and thought, 'She is quite

ing figure, so let me make it a 4 out o

yes are so mysterious. Who am

y?" She smiled at him slightly. It was weird, but Carla liked it when he looked at her in this way. "Hmm, it seems like you're getting bett

im staring at her this whole time, she deci

wasn't just watching her, he als

a glass of water an

elashes and gave her a very seductive s

you are quite beautiful. Thank you for taking me into your

an orange and started to peel it. Jokingly, she replied," Tha

have threatened me to help you flee the scene, you stopped my electric scooter from collapsing on the street, which I am trul

enduring serious risks, they

my life? Woman, you were my silver light at that moment. I can't just let you go

ay away from the people that were chasing you, right? Oh, and also for getting you out of a really bad storm and on top of that, all my delivery orders

all settled, won't we? Even reck

ven taking a breath. She sat back down, let out a

fect angle and he smiled at her detailed description. He raised his right hand to his head and felt the messy banda

't help but think, 'I could stay here. But, I

d." He carried on to say," I am still in a lot of pain. I don't have any money on me at the moment. I swear to you, I will make a pl

d to say. This made her think back to wha

y, just downstairs, there is a 24/7 ATM where you can draw money." She went on to tell him," Oh, and please don't tell me that you w

lly didn't want him to stay any longer than he needed to, especially if peop

t!" Teren

u want?" Ca

n. She became very frustrated deep ins



Chapter 1 I'm The Delivery Girl Chapter 2 He Needs to Leave before the Sun Rises Chapter 3 Don't Stop Midway In Saving Me! Chapter 4 Every Dog Has Its Day Chapter 5 I Offer Myself As A Repayment Chapter 6 I Am The Boss In This House Chapter 7 A Wolf In Sheep's Clothing Chapter 8 Daring To Abuse Carla Chapter 9 Although She Was Poor, She Still Had Her Dignity Chapter 10 Rough Diamond Chapter 11 It Was A Trick
Chapter 12 Attacked By Foes
Chapter 13 Have You Fallen In Love With Me
Chapter 14 You Told Her You're My Boyfriend!
Chapter 15 The Dramatic Reversal
Chapter 16 Mr. Terence
Chapter 17 Men Are Not To Be Trusted!
Chapter 18 I Want You To Stay
Chapter 19 A Man Of Mystery
Chapter 20 A Temperature Of 39°
Chapter 21 Nicholas Pops Up
Chapter 22 Are You Following Me
Chapter 23 Go Out For Wool And Come Home Shorn.
Chapter 24 Lay Bare The Identity
Chapter 25 A Young Master Experiencing A Different Life
Chapter 26 I'll Dress You Myself
Chapter 27 Wait A Big Star In the Slums
Chapter 28 No Match For You Two
Chapter 29 You Are Living In My House And Eating My Food
Chapter 30 I Admit I Have A Crush On You
Chapter 31 Girl, Don't Chicken Out.
Chapter 32 Terence, Don't Leave Us!
Chapter 33 Visiting JA City
Chapter 34 A Sudden Classmate Reunion
Chapter 35 Don't Bully My Sister!
Chapter 36 Brouhaha at The Party
Chapter 37 Mr. Rhys Versus Mr. Terence
Chapter 38 Finally You Are Here
Chapter 39 Sea View Villa
Chapter 40 This Is My Room
Chapter 41 Terence, Will You Marry My Sister
Chapter 42 Brother-in-law
Chapter 43 Meeting Terence's Father
Chapter 44 Divergence
Chapter 45 Declaration
Chapter 46 Chance For Carla To Practice
Chapter 47 You're Still Wet Behind The Ears
Chapter 48 The Damn Wet Dream
Chapter 49 When We Have Our Own Baby, You Are Not Allowed To Hit Him
Chapter 50 The Party At The Seaside
Chapter 51 Megan's Scheme
Chapter 52 Carla Is My Priceless Treasure!
Chapter 53 Back To The Beginning
Chapter 54 The Apartment Was On Fire.
Chapter 55 Carla, Would You Ever Think Of Me
Chapter 56 A Chance Encounter
Chapter 57 Where Did Sean Go
Chapter 58 I Will Not Let Him Be In Danger
Chapter 59 The Successful Rescue
Chapter 60 Let Me Pay My Debt
Chapter 61 New House
Chapter 62 Rainer And Nathan
Chapter 63 Terence Is Lovely
Chapter 64 Be My Woman
Chapter 65 She Wasn't Unfaithful
Chapter 66 Have You Slept With Her
Chapter 67 I Will Bite You Until You Listen
Chapter 68 The Memorial Day
Chapter 69 When Your Girl Was Moving, Brighten Up Her Day! (Part One)
Chapter 70 When Your Girl Was Moving, Brighten Up Her Day! (Part Two)
Chapter 71 What I Want Is Always You
Chapter 72 The Engagement (Part One)
Chapter 73 The Engagement (Part Two)
Chapter 74 Encounter A Thief (Part One)
Chapter 75 Encounter A Thief (Part Two)
Chapter 76 Carla Was In Pain
Chapter 77 My Shoulder Is All Yours! (Part One)
Chapter 78 My Shoulder Is All Yours! (Part Two)
Chapter 79 He Was Getting Engaged
Chapter 80 On The Verge Of Death Without Knowing It
Chapter 81 Mr. Terence, You Are So Shameless
Chapter 82 Installing The Cameras (Part One)
Chapter 83 Installing The Cameras (Part Two)
Chapter 84 It's Better To Raise A Flower Than A Cat
Chapter 85 Turn To Terence For Help With A Difficult Math Problem
Chapter 86 Have I Gone Insane (Part One)
Chapter 87 Have I Gone Insane (Part Two)
Chapter 88 I Love You Being Rude To Me (Part One)
Chapter 89 I Love You Being Rude To Me (Part Two)
Chapter 90 A Warning From Terence (Part One)
Chapter 91 A Warning From Terence (Part Two)
Chapter 92 Don't Go On The Blind Date (Part One)
Chapter 93 Don't Go On The Blind Date (Part Two)
Chapter 94 Tactfully Ditching Ronnie In A Blind Date
Chapter 95 The Ostentatious Sherry
Chapter 96 A Tour In The Ghost House
Chapter 97 Go Meet Me At The Hotel Tonight (Part One)
Chapter 98 Go Meet Me At The Hotel Tonight (Part Two)
Chapter 99 Terence The Lothario
Chapter 100 The ‘Royal Prince’
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