img The Billionaire's Struggle  /  Chapter 1 One | 33.33%
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Chapter 1 One

Word Count: 2032    |    Released on: 23/10/2018

ling her she's pregnant but on the other hand, she tries to talk herself out of it. Saying, it might be a stomach infection. But she could not bear it any longe

tuals before putting on a very simple dress and a black sandals. She tied her hair in a messy bun after which she carried her bag and exited her apartmen

sy for her to walk down there. It is a fifteen minutes walk. we

be seeing Luna later on today. She did not see Luna y

Luna is still in Coma. She hopes

ning clothes which consist of a navy blue shirt and pants. After t

s a box of pregnancy tests "Well let me

to the restroom and peed on it. She was certain she wasn't pregnant.

she dreaded to see. Two pink lines. She was indeed pregnant. "Lord Jesus." She exclaimed as the

ll the child when he or she is born? Emerald hardly finds food to eat in a day,

her an abortion pill or something to get rid of

and exited the restroom. She went back to cleaning the store and

m before 9 in the morning because Luna's Father usually come very early in the morning to spend

e. It was the Lazy nurse who was meant to take

little girl a smile found its way to her face. She q

er would think she was Luna's m

tears. She would have loved to have a baby girl like Luna but due to circumstances, She has no choice but to abort her baby. No doubt she feels

fic today. Silvia dropped her bag in her office and put on her white coat. Since her shift does not start until 30 m

told her about Emerald. About how she takes care of her niece. Silvia wanted to thank Emerald. She had neve

and saw a crying Emerald

a asked with so much concern in her

a noticed Emerald's puffy and red eyes. She also took

entered." Emerald said while using t

gain while putting her right h

merald sniffed. She removed Silvia's hand

ut Emerald did not bother to

er forehead. "I will be back honey."

shouted but Emeral

off her heels. She held them on her right hand and continued run

Silvia said while banging the door Emerald locked her

please open the door." Silvia said while bang

he was in high school. Silvia is a very lazy person. She prefers

r mom described her as a very cheerful person,

m. I won't leave here until you op

noticed it was a typical cleaner's room. Filled with cleaning materials and one large benc

ulled her into a hug and the tears c

rl, " Silvia said while

after a while and pul

ing your shirt, " Em

hat" Silvia said whi

me anything. I will help you in

she should tell Silvia about her problem. She then decided to talk to Silv

ever treated well. I was forced to stop school in my final year of high sc

le for me. I would be beaten without any fault and I just couldn't bear i

as a cleaner but the pay is not enough. It's almost the same amount as my house rent which leaves me with no food to

lace her to take care of Luna. I agreed because its an opportunity for me to earn more. The nurse paid me for

cy dress I had and I made my way to the club to drink away my sorrow. That was where

back. Em has really gone through a lot and Silvia cou

become very fond of her and I love her as if she were my own." Emerald said and Si

I came looking for you, to

mom?" Em ask

y niece." Silvia rep

rom time to time. I kept telling myself that its a stomach infection until I decided to

about my unborn child. I would love to have a child lik

lvia asked hoping Em does not

get an abortion

s. " You can't do that Em, th

s not conducive for a newborn, I can't get a better job because I didn't even finish high school. There is no way I

rt this baby for me

inst my profession and even the law

me, I promise. You wouldn't want an innocent child to come into thi

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