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Chapter 1 Pleasure to Make Your Acquaintance

Word Count: 1572    |    Released on: 01/09/2018

finally touched down the Luxembourg Fidel A

lly tell me if that person was a he or a she, so I was confused on who to look up to when I arrived in the lounge. There were so many people i

while the other smaller one contained my personal necessities like my cellphone, wallet and passport. Good thing I wore simple jeans,

ying the new version of Plants-Versus-Zombies game app. I never rea

later, so engrossed with t

shot straight up to a tall, handsome - really handsome - man standing a few feet in my front, looking down at me - glaring ac

tly what I would ex

foot, exactly like I am a delicious wedding cake, and he seemed to be calculating the expression on my face — or I th

e moment I apprais

port? What is this? Is he like

even has a ring piercing on

tuxedos and piercings don't go well together, but I somehow find the two attractive together. Well, he is attra

ike voice resounded in my ears. No. Not the Dark Knight Rises

ep spell cast over me. It made me feel drowsy. It was weird. But wel

s James Bond-wannabe was who my Auntie had sent to fetch me. Basically, he had my huge nameplate in hand and

tated again and stooped low to get my bigger bag. This time I

in my coat pocket and stood up only to find that Mr. Wa

introduction on his name



it. So, I did what had to do. I matched his

the BMW new model car, while I sat silently in the front seat. I saw a picture of my Au

lla really knows

dollars, but this fact wasn't the


e that not only was Mr. Tall-Dark-and-Brooding here as my temporary babysitter, but he was also

aid another word since we left the lounge area other than 'your seat belt' and th

d of person. But you know what they say, 'don't judge the book by its cover', so maybe it would be

gh. Is he her bodyguard or something? Maybe he is one of

looked just like my age, or maybe five years older than me. Film agents and attorn

e parking lot, I say he could pass out definitely as a J

crossed my arms in my chest. I guess I'll just have


lowly dragged my head

he mute man ac

ur travel had become quite a silent war. I never really e

ously confused of his

id notice his mouth twitch a bit. May

p the steering wheel tightly. He does s

your Aunt?" he finally said. I was relieved that

y Auntie knows that. I simply can't find the right time to

The richness of his voice made me feel

ment there. But I consider myself a traveler. Whenever there is an outreach program from my charity gr

no trace of expression on his face for me to read

e bugging for hours. "I'm sorry. You didn't actually introduce yourself to me awhile a

e. This made my heart skip a frantic beat. Goodn

ver, his eyes were like wild fire sending me aflame, "And I am the


n a formal fashion. In an instant, I recognized it


butler. That my slightly-eccentric Au

formal fashion too, but I suddenly felt the car engine s



Chapter 0 Prologue Chapter 1 Pleasure to Make Your Acquaintance Chapter 2 Your Mistress is Not Me Chapter 3 Just A Sausage Chapter 4 A Taste of Fear Chapter 5 Behold the Prince
Chapter 6 And So It Begins
Chapter 7 Reaching New Heights
Chapter 8 A Sudden Intrusion
Chapter 9 Mr. Butler and His Horses
Chapter 10 A Tumble Under the Tree
Chapter 11 Unstoppable Vibrations
Chapter 12 Bound To Him
Chapter 13 A Taste of the Past Oh Venerated One!
Chapter 14 A Fallen Angel's Uniqueness
Chapter 15 A Much Needed Space
Chapter 16 Playing Hard-to-Get
Chapter 17 Run To Him
Chapter 18 Tailing Her
Chapter 19 Hold Me
Chapter 20 Sleep It Is Dear Heart
Chapter 21 A Night With Him
Chapter 22 Taste and See the Goodness of the Prince
Chapter 23 A Morning Kiss
Chapter 24 A Trip Down Memory Lane
Chapter 25 Enter the Prince's Rival
Chapter 26 A Childhood Sweetheart To Remember
Chapter 27 The Greatest Sin of a Fallen Angel
Chapter 28 A Heart That Has No Respite
Chapter 29 The Arrival of His Rival
Chapter 30 Time to Take the Pressure Test
Chapter 31 An Unexpected Development
Chapter 32 When She Gets A Good Licking
Chapter 33 My Lips Are Thirsty For You
Chapter 34 A Hairsbreadth Away
Chapter 35 Desire Untold
Chapter 36 Act of Lust
Chapter 37 Act of Desperation
Chapter 38 Afflictions of the Heart
Chapter 39 The Feeling of Emptiness
Chapter 40 Dreaming of Black Wings
Chapter 41 Absolute Sacrifice
Chapter 42 Just A Glimpse of You
Chapter 43 Remembering You My Love
Chapter 44 Undying Adoration
Chapter 45 Epilogue Part 1
Chapter 46 Epilogue Part 2
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