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Reading History

Chapter 5 Silhouette

Word Count: 816    |    Released on: 24/07/2018

I'd die. But dying in the place of so

hen the doorbell rang. I glanced at the


for no one but who could it

h Max and there is no one else who is supposed to be standing outside

hrough the

s on the other side because of the d

ouette o

lf was so scary tha

t lanky and I do not know why but I think he knew I was peeping. The man must

hone is also not working. It's dead. I promise I won't bother you much. I just need to

unded tired and anyways it was snowing outside so I fel

for being suspic

d hair and light lavender colored eyes. He was lean but it made him look more handsome. He was wearing a denim jacket w

I will make some tea or do you prefer coffee?" I asked him with a concerned v

.and thanks for helping."

. After a while, he entered the kitchen minus his denim jacket which totally shoc

y way back. Hope you don't mind." He scratched his n

it off from an old guy. By the way, you wanted to make a call? Here, you can use my phone." I gav

rday tomorrow I had to wake up early to go to my shift. My job was in a supermarket

land counter, he was already there

friend lives nearby he said he will pick me up. Ac

imes. I used to get lost

idn't introduce myself

hand in a way

but its stuck with me." I said while shaking his

pretty. It suits you."

sure I was very

y, he is a teacher. A music teacher. I would like to introdu

trying to hook m

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