img A Change of Heart - Yaoi  /  Chapter 3 No.3 | 4.17%
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Reading History

Chapter 3 No.3

Word Count: 845    |    Released on: 10/07/2018

something about him that got under his ski

he reached the school gates an

oke into a smile, looki

d at her

that day w

Ken asked

t him. 'You're not do

iled. 'Let me just call home…I

beaconing him to follow. 'Come on. Anthony and Neil

pulling his mobile out

poke to his mother, tellin

' Ken sighed happil

' Chris asked him, as Ken put

said to him, 'she'

hat's a

they went, swinging around it o

any good a


't played since I was a ki

ably more rubbish than you are. So was i

en said.

can drink, just be car

mirked. 'I could say

g centre, Chris jogging in through the doors to meet Lisa,

l here' Neil said as

d sweetly at him, '

nodded wi

ed. 'Alyssa co

ot other plans

xt time right? Come on sis' he said to Sue. 'The

owling alley, playing several games, t

mal, and Ken

left. Ken said his goodbyes,

and peaceful. When he got home he

k' she smil

' Ken laughed. 'Why

ing for you' she

atly, frowning at her in amuse

e my baby' she g

ed loudly

ow' she said to him letting

he said, smi

ned to her footsteps up

making himself a bowl of

ang again. Not in the stre

g a few seats back from him. The moment Mustang notice

turning back around

him now. He's the one who asked in sex ed

lsion crossed

self respect. He doesn't even bother coming to school at all on most days. Ken t

fountains in the corridor to drink. When he s

ly, turning away from him

, when Ken realised there we

round he saw Mustang


lk to you' Mustan

ut w

ool. You know…the other day when we spoke. I was

even be talk

go to school. Have you

d shrugging, 'not real

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