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Phoenix Reborn: The Peerless Fourth Lady

Phoenix Reborn: The Peerless Fourth Lady

Author: Cathleen
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Chapter 1 Phoenix Nirvana

Word Count: 1544    |    Released on: 08/05/2018

night, in a fro

was set on the table flickered before ultimately going o

girl in ragged garments came over to he

woman's voice, as she didn't hold the girl's hand but merel

orders, Yizhu withdrew w

elplessly burst into a smile. Perhaps,

daughter of General Qilian Jingyu,

ith a lifetime of endless glory and wealth. After the Crown Prince succeeded the throne, she furthermore, became

ed the 'Prophecy Stone'. In the end, even she was charged wit

, it's the palace where wives that hav

ght change, an

the Cold Palace was beautifully adorned in silver by

so heavy that it could cover u

destined to fall

d that her husband, on behalf on their pas

ess? How did you end up like this?" A

oidered on it in silver and gold threads. Her skin was as smooth as cream,

l bird similar

s liked her husband. And now with that dream having come true, she b

ngyan, she was only a

ife', made in the past

looking at the expressionless Qingyan, mockingly opened her mouth, "You have t

Qingyan stared at her wi


her mouth: "The assassination of the Empress Dowager, the previous Emperor's death, even

people, overlooked her kind and understanding younger sister. She had always thought

e be content

ow of resentment bega

urs. Always thinking of you, the eldest daughter, and neglecting all of us, the younger ones*." Qilian Qin

were not firstborn or bore by the legal wife. In cases where polygam

el!" Qingyan angrily said this to Qingyi, "Even if you hate me, don'

ht now that his Majesty has already sentenced the entire Qil

before her. She stood up and rushed before Qingyi yelling, "W

her men dressed in black rushed in

ed her mouth: "I'd never thought tha

fore Qingyi, coldly replying: "Your Highness, the so called wise man s

y is gullible, he'll believe whatever I say, so naturally the unlucky on

Yizhu beside her, "Say, how should we pun

long the lines of 'to cause damage to the

, "I once heard that in the country of Xiyue, there's this extremely cruel pu

?" Qingyi looked to Qi

y an actual historica

use deaf, cutting off the tongue to cause mute, and lastly put in a bottle for others to toy with." Yizh

Kindness and evil are compensated by heaven, karma exists. Qilian Qingyi,

o the men in black, and coldl

poured a bowl of medicine down her throat. She could

"Ah, I almost forgot to inform elder sister. Before I came here, his Maje

et again in

d her every step, believing that if she could obtain his heart she could obtain the world, but ultimately still lost

hed Empress into a human swine for other's am

r lips: "Naturally there's the need to, just imagine if her children

ance. But in the next second, she suddenly stood, knocking over the candleholder, and with the power of the wind, the

k, however the fire was too big and unable to be controlled,

hoenix], and for a moment the entire imperial palace was covered by black

ns. If she had another chance at life, then she will definitely le

gyuan* year 30, the abolished Empress, Qil

country; 康元[Kāngyuán] - A hist



Chapter 1 Phoenix Nirvana Chapter 2 Reborn in Fire Chapter 3 Plotting against the Eldest Sister Chapter 4 First Encounter Chapter 5 Spy in the Garden Chapter 6 Old Madam Su Chapter 7 Second House's Ruse Chapter 8 Special Hobby Chapter 9 The Bastard Child of Su Residence Chapter 10 Born from the Same Root Chapter 11 Wet Nurse Granny
Chapter 12 Each with Their Own Matters
Chapter 13 Forming an Alliance
Chapter 14 Silver Python
Chapter 15 The Present at School I
Chapter 16 The Present at School II
Chapter 17 The Present at School III
Chapter 18 The Present at School IV
Chapter 19 Fated Opportunity I
Chapter 20 Fated Opportunity II
Chapter 21 The Wickedness of a Human Heart I
Chapter 22 The Wickedness of a Human Heart II
Chapter 23 Ghost Ring I
Chapter 24 Ghost Ring II
Chapter 25 Seven Toxin Five Flower
Chapter 26 Sleep Talk
Chapter 27 Exorcism I
Chapter 28 Exorcism II
Chapter 29 Divine Retribution
Chapter 30 Heavenly Reincarnation
Chapter 31 Conspiring I
Chapter 32 Conspiring II
Chapter 33 Conspiring III
Chapter 34 Conspiring IV
Chapter 35 Joining Forces I
Chapter 36 Joining Forces II
Chapter 37 Missing Hairpin I
Chapter 38 Missing Hairpin II
Chapter 39 Third House's Schemes I
Chapter 40 Third House's Schemes II
Chapter 41 Third House's Schemes III
Chapter 42 The Talent Conference I
Chapter 43 The Talent Conference II
Chapter 44 The Talent Conference III
Chapter 45 The Talent Conference IV
Chapter 46 The Talent Conference V
Chapter 47 The Four Arts I
Chapter 48 The Four Arts II
Chapter 49 The Four Arts III
Chapter 50 Horseback Archery I
Chapter 51 Horseback Archery II
Chapter 52 Horseback Archery III
Chapter 53 Taking Control of Fate
Chapter 54 Obtained in a Dream
Chapter 55 Real and Fake Grandmother I
Chapter 56 Real and Fake Grandmother II
Chapter 57 The Imperial Decree
Chapter 58 Ganyun Temple I
Chapter 59 Ganyun Temple II
Chapter 60 Ganyun Temple III
Chapter 61 Burning Incense to Buddha I
Chapter 62 Burning Incense to Buddha II
Chapter 63 Yunhen Priest
Chapter 64 With Blood as a Medium I
Chapter 65 With Blood as a Medium II
Chapter 66 Imperial Astronomer I
Chapter 67 Imperial Astronomer II
Chapter 68 Words of a Daoist Priest
Chapter 69 Reunion I
Chapter 70 Reunion II
Chapter 71 Ning Siyao's Plan I
Chapter 72 Ning Siyao's Plan II
Chapter 73 Yi Brothel I
Chapter 74 Yi Brothel II
Chapter 75 Sunrise Behind Parting Clouds I
Chapter 76 Sunrise Behind Parting Clouds II
Chapter 77 Counterattack I
Chapter 78 Counterattack II
Chapter 79 Counterattack III
Chapter 80 Yaoyao is Poisoned I
Chapter 81 Yaoyao is Poisoned II
Chapter 82 Yaoyao is Poisoned III
Chapter 83 A Tiger's Roar, a Wolf's Howl I
Chapter 84 A Tiger's Roar, a Wolf's Howl II
Chapter 85 A Tiger's Roar, a Wolf's Howl III
Chapter 86 Ning Family Secret I
Chapter 87 Ning Family Secret II
Chapter 88 Xiu Ran's Identity
Chapter 89 Forest of Buried Souls I
Chapter 90 Forest of Buried Souls II
Chapter 91 Forest of Buried Souls III
Chapter 92 Forest of Buried Souls IV
Chapter 93 Death Trap in the Forest
Chapter 94 Safe Return I
Chapter 95 Safe Return II
Chapter 96 Safe Return III
Chapter 97 Reunion with Close Ones
Chapter 98 Appearance of a Corpse I
Chapter 99 Appearance of a Corpse II
Chapter 100 Appearance of a Corpse III
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