img My High School Crush  /  Chapter 2 NO.2 | 4.55%
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Chapter 2 NO.2

Word Count: 1534    |    Released on: 08/05/2018

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ushing to put on her lipgloss by the door. I was scrambling through my closet trying to

astern side off from campus at an

roommates and help each other out since

and he lives down in the first-floor area. He always brings his lo

ter. It's more fun in the fall season only because it gives you that ''welcome back to scho

id dragging my name wit

as. She unlocks the door for us to leave the place then locks it behind

ies, ''

' we both

Bash?'' He aske

e, '' Chelse

trance and managed our way to the Breeze-Hallway in Building E. Many college students were comin

lot of people,

e way too m

ant a d

e I was standing still not making a move. From afar, I could see

ver me a bag of goodies. We both walked around

ming out to the lyrics of a song. A tall Asian girl came to where Chelsea

Quinn this is Jade, '' Chelsea said

she said handing me a

et you too,

you want to be by the booth. It's less crowde

know, Jade what

ure why

ar away from the crowd. We reached towards the other side of the building an

my head ''yes'' and continued on to drink on my cup. Then, another girl cam

head to Chelsea who was a

these people?'' I

to be in my psychology class last semester, '' she w

grin on his face. I assumed he was one of Jacob's posse since he

, You wanna drink w

s'', I quick

about you?'' He

'' she said in a nervous tone. She mouthed sorry to the both of

guess, '' Ch

he steps, '' he said th

You're just going to

ll be okay, I promise. Plus, I see y

l am I suppose

e Jay, it's Back To School Bash

I mumbled un

ps where three other girls were, and two other guys including Jacob. I rol

booth. Even though I'm not a huge fan of crowds I try to cope my anxiety by dancing a

t it felt so amazing. Like a bird leaving its nest and flying into the sky. I felt free. For the first time, I took a g

so bad a


slowly leaving everyone back to their dorms and I was walking in circles trying to find Chelsea. Ev

ened from the jumping to the Skrillex music earlier. I groaned loudly and felt

nd tried to open the door but wa

through the door and I could hear a bit of moaning and k

t Chelsea hooked up with Corey. There's nothing wrong w

d to wiggle the doorknob left to right rapidly to get her atte

t floor to see Jacob. Maybe there's a chance he'll help me out to stay for the nigh

he struggl

hould make her the keyholder for the night.She knows I alwa

t side since it is the first-day and I

t all bu

and trying to come up with the words to c

ctice my lines to Jacob. He is my brother, but sometim

umps just by my shyness to what I'm about to say. My body jolt

ms. He has gotten taller than the last time I've ever laid my eyes

n't put my mind to it. He chuckles softly and bends

., '' I whisp

the side lightly then pressed his l

not forget about my

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