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Chapter 5 Training the Walker: Cassie Wilson Book 2

Word Count: 3619    |    Released on: 14/03/2018


hem, she thought they were invisible to all but her. She turned away and slipped into her assigned seat, wondering what the day would bring. Cass

ing was not her. She was fairly confident that he no longer suspected her of being a Walker. Beyond keeping

talk to him, ' she remin

w she could see him as he wasn't doing his extra

est they were having this afternoon, the Walker training book stressed the importance of learning chemistry so she added extra emphasi

the periodic table to memory. In the back of th

for you to be here

ll agreed upon, there is no reason for you

wherever I want,

" Oliver

silent not only through the announcements, but until the bell rang to send them all to first perio

Enki were facing away from her as they moved to the back of the room and didn't see the connection. She wasn't certain if she would need to be noticed by someone, but thought it

pped into her seat. Enki and Oliver took up positions i

of at least eight better things to do w

you go do them

much of an interest in the

ted something

ll do something regret

outlined in the text book with no deviation. Cassie knew she could just read the chapter and catch anything she missed while she was distracted. Her notes might be a mess,

le thing was E

waited for Mrs. Ferris to notice him and stop the lesson. She didn't. Mrs. Ferris kept right on going and Mr. Babbin stepped into th

her annoyance complet

g in my school?" M

aid. "And I wanted to talk to

en before scurrying all over the place looking for us

r. Babbin asked

ology. It seems you were right after all. Your

r. Babbin's nerves fade. His chest puffed up a

ort. "What's that little tr

décor store, " Oliver told him. Cassie wished she could see them as well as hear them, but as

e ever listens, but I did warn you." He sho

ms?" Enki asked, i

ght seems to be popul

selling…, "

nd the room. "That means anyone of them could have bought one." He d

would know, " Oliver said. "You and your vi

plied, calming somew

playing at?"

nsive side so I expect she is angling for those with means to play with, rather than members of the local student population. Still, given your

in your defense classes coul

weeks left in the class she signed up for. If she feels safe at the end of it, I doubt she wil

until the class

I am not certain she will feel safe at the end of it. She might feel th

owly looked down at her notebook and scrawled another indecipherable note. Cassie

e feeling increases the longer we are around them. With all the observation she's been under from you lot, it's no

otential Walker coming to light, " Enki replied. "Eve

l suspect somethi

time with her, even if it was just to make

ver said. He sounded surprised and Cassie

d. The tone was mocking. "And I

lked to

your class. I'm sure he would have followed her if

to keep her hand from shaking and make the words legible. She reminded herself to take her text book home over the weekend to catch up on whatever today's lecture entail

She noticed the guy sitting in front of her was looking at her. He blinked

y math class aren

s behind you, " she

the next class, Greg fell into step beside her, walking with her to class. Mr. Bab

the homework?" Greg

m. "I took a long time on that one and I'm st

until I got there, but then I sort of showed

period class was in the opposite direction so he

r. Babbin's eyes watch her. As Cassie turned to watch Eric go, she caught sight of not only Mr. Babbin watching her, but Oliv

ith Eric?"

r head. "But somehow I have the feeling Emi

is snake mean,

d Cassie had the feeling that in the future, bumping int

ly asks 'Cassie who?' and she is unable to see me.' Cassie thought about it as they entered the classroom and separated to go to their own seats

rvously as she took out her math homework. 'I just have to get through today.' Cas

ally had to pay attention in Calculus. It was hard enough fighting her own tiredness,

e she was pretty sure he was the man with the glowing red eyes, she kinda figured he was, then he

nd he was mentioned in conversation, I can ask during my lesson tomorrow. I

uld have had time to talk to Kelly. Greg again walked with her as they left class since his history class was in the same hall as her Geography class. As they talked while walking, people noticed her more and she was less buffeted by

said as s

she re

um dating Gre

said. "He's in

d were not a witness to the conversation, such as it was. Cassie took her seat and waited tensely for Kelly to arrive. It was not a long wait. Kelly arrived, smiled sweet

?" Kelly hissed to her

o another school?

away game, " Kelly hissed as she nod

Kelly and Julia passed notes between them, no doubt plotting an attack on the blonde. As class continue

her at lunch. 'And I'm avoiding all of Kelly's friends.' She still hadn't figured out anything definite by the time class ended. The last

' She hung back and fumbled with her bag as the rest of the student

d out her books, picked up her lunch, and turned towards the cafeteria. Wanting to give Eric more time to settle w

o be mowed. At this time of year, the yard work requests were mostly faded scraps of paper buried under announcements of school plays and

the card looked like plain yellow paper with black lettering. She shook her head. The card remained o

l Monday, Wednesday, and Friday, some Saturday morning hours. If interested please call.' Below a number was printed.

warning? The only thing she was told was to use her intuition. Cassie thought about it trying to see if she felt anything abo

lege. Enclosed on four walls, but open to the sky it was heavily populated both at the beginning of the school year and in the spring. Now, with the cold late autumn winds howling overhead and snow still occupying the corners,

o be, but couldn't help checking it anyway. She felt a stab of disappointment about not seeing any messages from

ounding woman answered the phone. There was a slight bit

ssie began. "I don't have any professional experience, but I

t, " the woman told her. The static ret

nior at El

u will fit with us. We are still setting up and not yet o

odding as she spoke even t

mited and Intelligent Fitness. "Knock on the door and ask for Hester, " the woman concluded. With no further additions she hung

and walked towards the cafeteria. When looking at a map of the district, Cassie found her eyes drawn to both the gate and place

n if he saw her, currently he was too occupied to bother with her. Satisfied she was in the clear, Cassie took out her lunch and began her assembly. Once assembled, she began to eat. As she ate, she studied

phone number and her empty lunch bag into her book bag and stood. 'I can't be afraid to do something just because 'they' might be

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