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Living With The Anderson Boys

Living With The Anderson Boys

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Chapter 1 NO.1

Word Count: 1706    |    Released on: 02/03/2018

the beautiful cover, this c


see the one and only Gemma Hill standing against it,

out for my first class. I close my locker and as I turn around, I notice that Gemma has di

ile and spin around to walk to my first class but stop in my tracks when I see Gemma'

mile gone now. She flicks her blonde hair

and I sigh, knowing that my daily routine

on pats their dog's head when it obey

notes to the nerdy Josh Collins. Every Monday I get given a new env

long she wanted me to do it for and the first thing she said to me was, "I want you to give Josh this. Every M

g out love notes like a messenger person.

ny to them. I let out a short sigh and stick the envelope in my text b

to do

p, I suddenly remember that I am wearing a skirt so I hold ont

ill a kid!

he front of the classroom, starting to write the notes that the teacher is writing on the bo

wears when he sees me with an envelope. I shrug

n my earphones, pulling my hoodie over my head as I block out

t is forming pretty quickly. Wow, these people are hu


t with anyone today but as usual, no one would want me to sit at their ta

the meatloaf so she just nods and hands me a ham and cheese sandwich fro

d sigh when I see that I am again alo

silent and peaceful. That is my usual place to eat my lunch but I like

my lunch, ignoring the clenching feeling

ooks out of my locker and stuffing them in my bag. Once I am fi

hat they do everyday. I turn my gaze to the parking lot and notice my mom's

mom asks with a smile and I ju

nods as she starts to dri

you alright?" My mom asks and I

she smiles sweetly at me be

is silent like always and once we reached our hou

lop down on the couch. My mom chuckles and

mom asks and I turn my head to see my mo

over to the counter, sitting on one of the stool

starts and I nod, taking another sip. "Well, I am heading off to

n't hap

For a year." She finishes and I literally feel like choking on my drink aga

ily is down here and I am not going on an aeroplane to the other side of the world to live th

disease that is making the population of Kenya decrease. Second, I am going to let y

nue to look at my mom, having no

at Aunt Roche

ay and snap my fingers. M

e coming back to this place for a year." My mom says, remi

gets better and b

suitcase. I am done packing and God, it f

mom yell and I roll my eyes before standing up and heading downstairs. I notice

r keys. "Let's go." She says and I walk down

nsion that is surrounded by tall black gates. I t


on the door before stepping back, waiting patiently for Becky to answer the door. A

s she pulls me into a hug which takes me by s

white cream walls match the creamy carpet and the b

followed by three other tall figures. The boys take a

p, still looking down. I feel hands grab my chin softly, raising my

ys of Camb

den, my thoughts h

th the four bad boys

- Ed

ent, and a v


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