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The Adventures of Larson and Garrett - Assault in Stormguard

The Adventures of Larson and Garrett - Assault in Stormguard

Author: AaronDennis
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Chapter 1 No.1

Word Count: 1952    |    Released on: 04/01/2018

in Sto

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gital and electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by any information storage and retr

he product of the author's imagination or are used fictitiously, and any resemblance

ecaution for their safety since the forces of destruction were most prevalent in the capitol and its surrounding cities. While he was off investigating recent tribulations involving th

ble by the light of candles. Eating and drinking while the rafters above them creaked and settled, they tried to joke about the mishaps involving Prince Roan's phase train, a magickal contraption, which was supposed to have delivered them safely from Xorinth to Stormguard secretly and with

s. He brushed back the strands of gray hair that surrounded his balding head before blowing his long n

e were homes and businesses to be built, that the guard needed strong, young warriors, that vast and green farmlands needed tending, and since the country of Faaltosk was mostly a snowy, mountainous terrain, the young folk and the older folk were all more than happy to pay

blemen, other families involved with international trade, and even members of the king's court. It was that information the detective had tried to use to keep the cou

then, " Lyalla whispered while b

n." Lennon's saggy jowls

to the elf. His eyes were baggy, and he looked pale, but they all looked the worse for wear. Seanessy finished his third mug of

uiet, they looked at the table, half eaten meals, barren, stone walls, and listened to the howl

do now, " Seanessy

enough ta' get by, an' I make a few coins 'ere an' there. I still know how ta' trade, so I buy low an' sell high when I can,

igate recent White Wraith activity. Garrett puffed at their mention. He then looked to his compatriot. Larson rubbed his temples vigorously

usted, " she

n replied. "Lennon, do you know

more an' more men of all races paradin' around in white robes. Wasn't until last week when they gathered at Roan Square to preach about change that I th

ett commented. "We fought them in the Xorinth sewers, but apar

g around so brazenly, and here i

tifacts of astonishing potency. The old man grew concerned when he heard that the cult worshipped the God of Destruction, and he almost seemed afraid when t

, " he asked them and t

unch o' beds for 'e

earn, " Garrett

detective their attention. "First and foremost, I

told 'em, " Len

ack with both hands. "I incurred some odd looks from a

" Larson in

he new General of the Storm Militia, Count Sothmire, who is head of commerce here in the city, and Briggitte, who is in charge o

vestigating trouble in Talsador, and he mentio

I know of him, but I wouldn't be surprised if

sh doing?" La

s are preaching change—in an effort to throw the country into chaos. What better way to incite

nt to see that,

wants to see who is likely to obtain them, so that he can steal them, or he is in

we were trying to figure out where these artifacts are coming from!

r too ancient, and the power within them is not of this age, it would seem impossible to

ta' do, mate, " S

en his neck. He then removed his spec

r and beards, yet they remained quiet and willing to hear more. "Let us consider what we know is happening here; the cultists are led by Parish, who has them in arms over the state of the country, a state of affairs, which he organized to create instability—he has people up in arms over the instability he created, in order to create more instability. Together, they are worshipping Lagos, a daemon trying to become the God of Destruction because, obviously, the daemon

potent exhale. "A fine mess this

k. He then shuffled off to the only cot in the house and plunked down on the pile of hay and pelts. Sin

I got a question, " when they looked to him, he frowned and tugged his beard. "Why d

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