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Reading History

Chapter 3 No.3

Word Count: 902    |    Released on: 04/01/2018

l Rolas, " L

the dagger?"

lanced at everyone. "I'm not finished with this investigation

d the entire disaster on him, " Larson arg

s been c

not with us?"

l one. While I figure out one part of this p

be helpin' him!"

er suspicion. Just try to relax for a night. Enjoy Sara's cider. When the ti

his orders, he marched down the steps and out of sight. The group passed uncomfortable

ut good this year,

rf grinned. "Po

on acquiesced with a d

oved around some of the small crates and barrels or relaxed on the wooden floor with their backs against seed sacks.

n asked her. "I mean, I know you

her head. "I'm a distant

belief, and Seanessy spat, "Then what

son chuckled while she turned to

greed. "A be-half

stood from a barrel. "How's about I

ish company. Please, Sara, since we've little else to do, will

remarked. "It's a lovely two story, "

l Prince's mother, Gods rest her soul, was my cousin. Our family had settled in Xorinth years ago, and when King Roan deferred rule of the city to his son, we were all offer

she offered me some land and money, but money never really concerned me, so my sister and I took the l

sy interrupted wi

but he was oblivious. Besides, Sara raised her m

dded, "All our hard work has paid for itself. I love my trees

" Forth

as trees that produce during two seasons, that way I c

re helping Mathew, " Larson

ks for the prince. I know he's a good man, Mathew. The prince would

look a gift horse in the mouth, especial


. Yawning and huffing, he rolled out of bed and op

said, holding up a sma

ok the note, and Larry

ressed and tied his hair back, exited his room, ran down the stairs, waved at Larry on the way out, and received the warmth of sunlight. A subtle b

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