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Reading History

Chapter 6 No.6

Word Count: 912    |    Released on: 29/12/2017

the tree. He then leaned in and whispered into his ear that he was placing the da

a horrible predicament. He reached out for Holden once the dagger was placed

ou, boy, " Hol

more portentous. Before Larson ventured a glance towards the sound, wet, furry mass struck him solid. The werewolf had slammed him agai

, twice, three times, and he felt the monster's strength wane. It whimpered and fell back. Larson shouted, dove onto the beast, and feeling around with one h

" Holden sho

rs flooded his eyes. Warm blood oozed out, covering his arms and soaking through his

he whispered in a

on, put his arm around the boy's shoulders, and took

…saved your second town, " Holden consoled. Larson giggled nervously. "C'mon, help me

ark. They bound the wolf's wrists and ankles, and Holden haule

gging it?" he

ou're cold, and you killed it,


d that Pallisade's guard tower wasn't too far off. The dead creature wasn't too heavy, either, at least not on

id for this job, " Larson as

believe me i

know, " h

ink you're enti

t not that reason, " L

re? It is a werewolf, he thought. "You don't believe me, " Holden asserted. "I'm no

son disputed. "Why wouldn't everyone at least try their hand at this kind of work? There must be dozens of jobs easier than th

a group; none of that matters. It's something else you need to be a mercenary…anyone willing to do it once for a hefty sum and qu

ets you

e like us, and there's no clear cut

ce they made it beyond the western edge of the town square. The rain had let up a bit, and while the poor district's housing had snuffed out their candles to sleep, the nobility were apparently still awak

he building were the common style woodwork separating prized steeds. They both made for the semi-lit stab

s Rabidous,

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