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Reading History

Chapter 6 No.6

Word Count: 839    |    Released on: 28/12/2017

o mumbled and appr

per. Did yo

asked with a

again, and so did so

s, Larson followed behind. He relayed the previous discussions to his brother and added that if he wanted to marry that girl with the bow, h

aughing at?" La

se. "You, you little mutt. Who

u're supposed to do

do is follow your heart, and that can mean an

llowing your heart meant. To him, it meant to go and find the re

one big room like the schoolhouse, but about twice as deep. Thick, squared posts supported the thatched roof. A couple of sparrows had nested in the rafters. Ther

ng events, servers came by with fruits and drink. The blonde

hear, " s

t, " Larg

e saying it'

vigorously. Th

e like you every day, " she

" he chuckled. "Do

getting giggly. Others scarfed down food, and stil

started. "Reape

erable to fire, "

here do you thin

lltop in a cleari

easingly difficult for the three to converse, especially when old Mr.

bled. "Spiteful things with nasty spells like magick arrows, freezin' winds, an'

, waving her hand about. "Larso

boy replied. "Lot

and put his head down, resting the ri

de dreams? How is this thing callin

Thatcher suddenly leaned over next to Nyomi and whispered that they should meet outside in about five minutes. She eyed him, mildly baffled. Before she asked her question, Thatch

creasingly encumbered with cooked meats. Thatcher made to stand, it took him multiple tries. Once he was up and moving for the doors, Nyomi followed an

penin', " L

e're goin' to tackle a rea

now about these thi

tcher admitted, strokin

or even send someone to Pallisade. City mage

rance o' more children

or help while we search f

ut his eyes had drifted to

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