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Chapter 9 9

Word Count: 1603    |    Released on: 28/11/2017

or Van Baerle was locked up i

y, the wrath of the people ran very high, and had Gryphus fallen into the hands o

were overtaken by the murderers, thanks to the precaution which William

and Rosa availed herself of this favourable moment to come forth

ted. Why should people remain in the jail

eat gate, at least as well as it would close, considering that it was half demolis

haracter to Gryphus and his daughter. The people were only dragging in the

so, but only that she might n

il, or rather at the barricade which served in its stea

aw from the warrant the name and station of his

young man, we have the family cell

ll, which on that very morning Cornelius de Witt had left to go into exile, or what in revolutionary times is meant ins

e to reach that cell he heard nothing but the barking

hain, and sniffing all round Cornelius in order so much the better

nd, holding the lamp in her right hand, she at the same time lit up her pretty blooming face, surrounded by a profusion of rich wavy golden locks, whils

, with his scowling jailer's countenance at the top, the melancholy figure of Cornelius bending over the banister to look down upon the swee

he mastiff, with his eyes glistening like carbuncles, and shaking his chain, on which the

e face of Rosa, when she saw this pale, handsome young man slowly climbing the stairs, and thought

proceeded on his way, Cornelius was forced to follow him, and five minutes afterwards he entered

yr had suffered so much, who on that day had rendered his so

the narrow window, barred with iron, which looked on the Buytenhof; and in this way saw from b

amp of the patrols had resounded from the pavement, and the slow matches of the arquebuses, flarin

houses, Cornelius, eager to know whether there was any living creature about hi

rning dawn, rose before him, its dark outlines standing out in contras


ess trunks, which indeed were n

ibbet, to have a pretext for a double inscription written on a huge placard, on which Cornelius; with the keen sight

, and the little rogue Cornelius de Witt, his brother, two en

knocked with his hands and feet at the door so violently and continuousl

s against the prisoner who disturbed him at an hour w

is new De Witt," he cried, "but all t

jailer by the arm and dragging him towards th


at pla

pointed to the gibbet at the other side of the

oke out in

good sir, that's what people will get for corresponding

ed, with the cold sweat on his brow, and sank on his

the people," said Gryphus; "you call that

rely prostrate and senseless, he rushed from the cell, vi

recognised the room where he was,-"the family cell," as Gryphus

pray for the soul of his godfather, then for that of the Grand Pensionary, and at l

eon, he drew from his breast the three bulbs of the black tulip, and concealed them behind a block of s

all, to lead to naught, just as his own career was to be cut short. Here, in his pri

loomy despair, from which he was only a

this circ

the reader in

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