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Chapter 2

Word Count: 1079    |    Released on: 05/12/2017

my hands are moving in full

." The nurse attending m

u." I smi


ometimes free lancing workload suck up all of my energy. It“s more tiring than any other job I“ve wor

d solution or stay patient and believe in Allah.

u have left, Hira?" Bab


, you haven“t eaten an

.. Just a few

w minutes.

said but d

threatened me and it made me chuckle. Baba only s

.." I say and put m

" I ask him and he sho

. Please take care of my precious treasu

his garbage out of my h

die without it Baba.

him “okay“ and walk out of there. Canteen was not far from here, so I slowly walk to it. Hosp

e even for an hour, so I stick to him like a sticker everywhere he goes except his friend“s house, which is boring. He is the only family I have and the fear o

t Allah for taking my mother away. But Baba helped me to recover from it and when I saw him working hard for me, I try to find my strength and lost faith on Allah. As time passes, the smoke of stupid emotions faded away, as I step into practical life

omeone dear to me, so I am helplessly trying to get a hold of what is slipping f

of my thoughts when Dr. Ambre

. Assalam o Allaikum

in thoughts... Everything

er." She gave me a sad smile and

d hearing about others“ problems, illnesses and loss. It makes me feel down and emotionally draining. I sighed and

ell from my hand. A yelp escapes my mouth and I quickly look down and saw a man massaging his head. He looks up to me and I yell “

have hur


is head to

e is h

slipped out of my hand. I didn“t do it on purpos

." He says

ing your head when I came.

will be fine." He said

it“s okay? I can take you

really i

thanks for returning my phon

d to look at him once again. He was leaving the main door, wearing a navy blue dress pant and a light indigo colored button up shir

r injury, beau

tart climbing


veryone!st chapte

ur opinions .....I loved t

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