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The Shadow of Wealth Behind Greed

The Shadow of Wealth Behind Greed

20 Chapters
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Sarini, a 30-year-old woman, has two daughters. Her youngest daughter suffers from a serious illness, while her husband is entangled in alcoholism. Sarini, who was married off through an arranged marriage, feels increasingly despondent. She can no longer bear the poverty and the sight of her youngest daughter suffering. While working as a laundress, Sarini overhears the maids at the market discussing tales of pesugihan getih anak (a ritual involving blood sacrifice for wealth). Intrigued, she decides to purchase a horror magazine that lists the contact information of various shamans. Despite visiting several shamans, none dare to help her due to the high risks involved. Finally, she is introduced to Mbah Rojo by one of the shamans. Sarini resolves to undertake the pesugihan getih anak, intending to sacrifice her sick daughter, Pertiwi. Ironically, it is her beloved daughter, Sri, who ends up being affected. Burdened by the grievous mistake she has made, Sarini begins to experience relentless supernatural terrors that haunt her for attempting to abort the ritual. Sri's death, under harrowing circumstances, leaves Sarini devastated, leading to frequent quarrels with her husband, Tarjo. She tries to find solace and acceptance through deepening her religious practices and coming to terms with Sri's departure. However, the mystical terror only intensifies. When Pertiwi's health further deteriorates, Sarini is shocked and panicked as Pertiwi exhibits the same symptoms Sri had. Ultimately, Pertiwi passes away, dealing another crushing blow to Sarini, especially when she witnesses her husband indulging in a lavish lifestyle. Growing suspicious, Sarini investigates and discovers that her husband had also engaged in the same pesugihan. Enraged, she confronts him, leading to a fierce argument, and he mysteriously dies shortly thereafter. Haunted by the tragic events that befell her family, Sarini eventually loses her mental stability and is admitted to a mental hospital, while the specters of her deceased children continue to torment her mind.

Chapter 1 The Horror of Pesugihan Getih Anak

Sarini, a 30-year-old woman, has two daughters. Her youngest daughter suffers from a serious illness, while her husband has fallen into alcoholism.

Sarini, married through an arranged marriage, feels increasingly despondent. She can no longer bear the poverty and the sight of her youngest daughter suffering.

While working as a laundress, Sarini overhears maids at the market discussing tales of pesugihan getih anak (a blood ritual for wealth). Intrigued, she decides to purchase a horror magazine that lists the contact information of various shamans.

Despite visiting several shamans, none dare to help her due to the high risks involved. Finally, one shaman introduces her to Mbah Rojo.

Sarini resolves to undertake the pesugihan getih anak, intending to sacrifice her sick daughter, Pertiwi. Ironically, it is her beloved daughter, Sri, who ends up being affected.

Burdened by the grievous mistake she has made, Sarini begins to experience relentless supernatural terrors that haunt her for attempting to abort the ritual.

Sri's death, under harrowing circumstances, leaves Sarini devastated, leading to frequent quarrels with her husband, Tarjo. She tries to find solace and acceptance through deepening her religious practices and coming to terms with Sri's departure. However, the mystical terror only intensifies.

When Pertiwi's health further deteriorates, Sarini is shocked and panicked as Pertiwi exhibits the same symptoms Sri had. Ultimately, Pertiwi passes away, dealing another crushing blow to Sarini, especially when she witnesses her husband indulging in a lavish lifestyle.

Growing suspicious, Sarini investigates and discovers that her husband had also engaged in the same pesugihan. Enraged, she confronts him, leading to a fierce argument, and he mysteriously dies shortly thereafter.

Haunted by the tragic events that befell her family, Sarini eventually loses her mental stability and is admitted to a mental hospital, while the specters of her deceased children continue to torment her mind.

In her room at the mental hospital, Sarini is awake in the darkness, trapped in the terrifying labyrinth of her own mind. Strange voices echo around her, haunting every corner of her thoughts. She feels trapped in a never-ending, dark world, haunted by the shadows of her departed children.

Every night, Sarini wakes up in a cold sweat, tormented by haunting nightmares about her dark past. She feels herself drowning in waves of despair, with no escape from her unending cycle of suffering.

Yet, in the midst of that darkness, there remains a small light within her. Despite being crushed by guilt and regret, Sarini realizes that she must find the strength within herself to rise from her helplessness.

With the help of psychologists and the support of the medical staff at the hospital, Sarini begins a long and arduous healing process. She learns to face the trauma and guilt that haunt her and strives to understand that she is not alone in her struggle.

During her journey of healing, Sarini meets others who are also battling their inner demons. They share their stories and experiences, supporting each other on their paths to recovery.

With strong determination and unwavering support from those around her, Sarini begins to rediscover confidence and hope in her life. She learns to forgive herself for the mistakes she has made and understands that the past does not have to define her future.

Every day, Sarini wakes up with renewed resolve to become better, to atone for her mistakes, and to honor the memory of her children by living a better life. Although the journey to healing is not easy, Sarini is determined to keep moving forward, chasing the light at the end of the dark tunnel.

With every small step she takes, Sarini comes closer to freedom from the shackles of trauma and uncertainty. She knows that the journey to healing may take time, but she will never give up. For behind every obstacle and challenge, she sees a light of hope guiding her toward a better path. And with every breath she takes, she strengthens her resolve to move forward, toward a brighter and more meaningful future.

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