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Dusk and Ice

Dusk and Ice

6 Chapters
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When Shawn left San Frease for a chance with his mother he never expected to find himself in the midst of vampires let alone expect to be the center piece to some ancient feud. All he wanted was a new beginning with as little as no mistakes but old habits die hard and he can't help the fact that he is drawn to the Storms, especially Kayla Storm, the century year old vampire who plagued his thoughts. Somehow he was a part of their lives and they would have to be part of his new life. When people begin to go missing in the seemingly sleepy town of WhiSare, Shawn and Kayla uncover a plot that is a threat to mankind. But their problems are fast from over when a group of self proclaimed Vampire Hunters from school uncover the true identity of the Storms, threatening to expose them for who they really are. Samantha Reid, leader of the vampire hunters has a bone to pick with the Storms. Her quest for revenge would lead her to the discovery of DeShawn Hunter's true lineage. The first ancient family Vampire Hunters. But Shawn is torn between his bond with Kayla and the killer instincts raging in his blood against her kind. With all these forces against them will they be able to quickly uncover the identities of their enemies before time runs out?

Chapter 1 1 DeShawn: Attraction and Bodies

As the plane began to descend I felt the tension that had been in my shoulders all morning leave with a deep sigh of relief. I relaxed visibly. I hadn't realized that I had been desperately holding my breath since the ride to the airport with dad and Camilla, less for the fear of heights and more because I was hoping dad would not change his mind about letting me go.

As I sat back on the seat my mind drifted back to why I decided to leave San Frease in the first place. I enjoyed San Frease a lot because I had a lot of friends. That place has been my home for the best part of my life. I had a rich dad, Jackson Hunter, who controlled half the business world. Since mom and dad split when I was very little I stayed with dad because he had the right to take custody of me. He was richer and was able to provide for me, at least that was what the court said, whereas mom could only boast of a house given to her by her ancient grandmother in a rural neighborhood. I don't much about what mom went through when she lost me but I know what I went through living with dad. I presume mom never got married after the divorce and neither did dad but he had a long endless chain of girlfriends, all of whom I hated with passion. The same plastic smile, plastic boobs, plastic silicon ass, shiny feline eyes, and high-pitched voice. They were all the same; giving ingenuine compliments, sticking with dad to leech off him, stealing tiny pieces of costly figurines from our house probably as souvenirs since they were inevitably going to be dumped anyway. All the same! Thinking about it even now makes my lips curl.

Whenever one of those dolls as I call them came around I would go up the stairs to my room and bolt the doors but it never bolted the sound of their cat-like voices. They purred over everything; at the paintings in the hall, the lifesize amories in the hall, the glass walls overlooking the Carter Bay, the lush trees flanking each side of our drive, and the wide foot-shaped swimming pool at the side of dad's 5000.ft mansion. Worst of all they wanted to please dad so they purred over me too. When I was younger I always told myself they were my mothers, I would say to myself "Mom would be waiting home for me" only "mom" came in different sizes and all shades of blonde.

I lived with that for 18 years and dad wasn't so secretive about his affairs. He grabbed asses right he front of me, he caressed boobs on the dining table and kissed some stupid pouting lips while I was watching and I vowed never to be like him. Never to let those dolls into my life.

Until Camilla Angero.

Before Camilla came I already heard a lot of rumors about dad's new girlfriend and how she was different from the others but I couldn't see her being any different and I was prepared to give her the same silent treatment I reserved for the other dolls.

She moved in after I clocked 18 and the moment she walked in through those glass doors all thoughts about treating her with disdain vanished. There was nothing fake about her. Not the beautiful face that held little makeup, the blue eyes, and her full lips, not the wavy blonde hair. Definitely not the boobs because I have seen a lot to those to know which is real and which isn't. The ass was definitly real too - not stiff like the others before her.

She smiled when she saw me and I knew right then that she was going to make a good mother.

I must have been standing there for a long time looking like an idiot because the next moment I blinked she was right in front of me with her hand out to shake mine. There was something different about her, not the ass, the boobs, or anything - just her. A different kind of aura I never felt before.

When she left to drop her things upstairs dad thumped my back and patted me on the shoulders "Made a good choice this time,uhn?" he said with a proud grin on his face.

I couldn't speak. I could only think of Camilla's face, her smile -her boobs. Then that sexual appeal - that's it!

That was what was so different about her. The sexual appeal.

At age 18 I was no saint - I never went as far as having sex with just any girl because I love my girls classy. But at age 9, my faithful friends Tim and Harry, and I saw lots of videos and lots of magazines enough to fill our heads with fantasies forever. They shared their sexual escapades with me as we grew up. And if I'm being honest Camilla is a girl of class. My type of girl.

I couldn't stop thinking about her, even during dinner as we sat in the huge dining every night with its paneled glass walls offering a view of the stars shining upon the free-flowing creek that came with the property.

I found it difficult to breathe and swallow on the first night and every other night after that because Camilla was sitting directly opposite me with her hand on dad's. She was talking to me, she asked questions and I answered in monosyllables scared I might begin to stutter if I said more than a word at a time.

"Is he always this gentle?" she asked dad and he laughed. He told her I was putting on my best behavior because she was an excellent choice. She called my name and I felt goosebumps go up my flesh as I looked up. I wanted to grab her neck and kiss those full lips but I held myself under some very strong control.

She was way older than me for sure but also very much younger than dad, maybe 27 or thereabout.

"I'm glad you think I am worth living with your dad", she said. I almost didn't hear anything, all I saw was the movement of her lips and the swell of her breasts when she leaned across the table. That and the sound of her voice sent heat to my stomach, I could feel my groin tighten and I squirmed in my chair. She must have seen my discomfort or the heat on my face because she smiled, a very knowing smile that showed white teeth and revealed a lot more to me than any other person who must have witnessed it.

I was never alone with her for too long because I couldn't trust my self-control around her. She never went out of her way to seduce me but the way she looked at me while we ate, and the accidental brushes of her hands or legs against mine had some deep messages for me and me alone.

I was suffering in silence and enjoying every bit of it. I had wet dreams about her. I wanted to kiss her, taste her skin, and fill my hands with her boobs. Then something happened.

I had my friends, Harry and Tim come over to hang out because it was one of those lazy Saturdays with nothing to do and nowhere to go. While we were playing games Camilla walked in with a small fancy tray that held glasses of pineapple drinks and small paper plates with cookies. Harry and Tim couldn't even stop ogling her and she obviously basked in the attention.

"I thought you guys might need these", she said "You've been here all day with nothing to eat. Let me know if you guys want anything else, okay?"

Once she left Tim dropped his gamepad, "Who the fuck is she?", he asked breathlessly.

I shrugged like I didn't care like I didn't notice the see-through of her white cotton dress. "My dad's girlfriend."

Harry whistled low "Your dad isn't so much of an old man after all. He's got good tastes! Dude, you had this sex bomb living here for how long and you've said nothing to us?"

They made jokes and asked if I already tried accidentally bumping into her. I shrugged off their questions but my mind was in turmoil with fantasies about her again and telling my friends about them didn't seem like a good idea.

When Camilla came in again she sat on one of the sofas and leaned forward like she was trying to see what we were playing. Her thighs and her boobs were on full display distracting all three of us and before I knew it she slid from the sofa and sat on the floor beside me. My brain fried instantly.

"May I try?", she asked softly. I handed the gamepad to her with surprisingly steady hands. I watched as she tapped on buttons on the pad trying to get the hang of it and then she laughed "How do you guys use this thing?" she leaned forward to look at Harry and Tim's suddenly still hands. "I'm no good at it, will you teach me, Shawn?"

I answered immediately. "I will"'.

She sat beside me throughout the game to watch me play. Her arm rubbed against my bare arms, her thighs rubbed against mine and I almost had an orgasm there. I held on to my self-control for as long as Harry and Tim stayed and once they left I went upstairs to my room hoping to ease the bulge in my trousers.

There was a soft knock at my door and when I opened it Camilla breezed in a dress-robe. She held my gamepads in her hands.

"You said you were going to teach me how to use these", she said in that thick sultry voice of hers.

"Yes", I said and quickly went over to pick up my laptop and when I turned back around the dressing robe had fallen in a pool around her legs and she was buck naked underneath.

"Do you have a girlfriend, Shawn?" she asked.

My eyes rooted to her body I shook my head.

She clucked her tongue, "How sad. You're far too handsome not to". She looked down at the very prominent bulge in my trousers and smiled "I think you have a bit of something there for me"

"Dad would soon be home," I protested weakly.

She laughed and came closer, took hold of my zipper, and pulled it down. "He's gone on a business trip." She drew back to look me in the eye "Surely you know that. So why don't we play a little while I will teach you to use this." She pulled my cock free from my jeans and the next thing I knew I was falling backward on my bed with her on top of me.

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